"Dinner isn't ready."

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We're here today with another OC backstory!

Today we haavveee~ Miss Fright!~

Or in the past, Miss Frida!

This honestly took me the longest to come up with, so I hope the idea comes across pretty good.

The way this story is set out is similar to a camera recording with damage, it'll randomly cut to a whole different section.

W A R N I N G S !

- Gore

- Weapons

- Blood, like massive amounts of it.

- Violence

- Asshat of a father—

- Cursing

- Family Loss

- Starvation

- Vomiting

- Deaths

- Screaming

- Some mlp Cupcakes kind of shit

- Drug use

- Sanity go byebye

- Memory problems

- Angst obviously

If you still want to read this, you seriously have something wrong with you or you've seen worse—

But if you don't want to read this, I have other stuff you can look at!-

With that out of the way, let's get on with it, Shall we?

F R I D A ' S
P O V :

Hmm... This should be enough for them.. I sighed, pouring the ingredients into the boiling pot. It was hard to buy any food, having to pay for the house, mother's medicine, and the twin's school stuff. We have started a garden, but those take a while to grow.. but they're coming in nicely.. I stir the pot, humming a small tune. The sound of giggling interrupts my little tune, small shushes accompanying it. I put on a small smile, turning my head to see the poorly hidden twins.

"Oh.. I thought I heard something... I must be going crazy."

I held back a giggle but kept the amused smile as I turned back to the pot, the twins sneaking up on me. They jumped at my legs, hanging onto them like koalas. I let out a fake gasp, the two laughing.

"Boo! We gotcha sis! Hahaha!"

"You're so easy to spook.. hehe.."

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