Sea, Coral and Bay back then

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As mentioned in the last chapter, there was 3 children that were stolen away, said children were Sea, Coral and Bay (Who you guys haven't seen yet-), Sea's and Coral's name used to be different before the kidnapping, Bay's name is still the same for reasons- this is just silly moments when they were younger-

Bay is two years older than Sea and Coral btw-

Coral and Sea in this are 8yrs old In this-


Sea & Coral: What are we supposed to do all day while you're at school??

Bay: I don't know. what do you guys normally do when I'm gone?

Sea & Coral: Wait for you to get back


Sea & Coral: *Came into Bay's room, both of them holding an empty shotgun they found in the sand* You would not bel–

Bay: *Absolutely terrified of the unknown thing–* lEAAVE- LEEAAAVVEEE–


Some random person: What would happen if we just pretended to be scary beings to well, scare the royal twins??

Bay: *smiles, slowly holding up their spear* Fuck around and find out ^^


Sea: You should be medicated.

Coral: Frick you, Sea. I know you touched my she'll collection! And I wanna hear that dirty fry mouth admit it!

Sea: Get out of my face. Or I'm gonna waterspin your butt!!




Sea: Is this a trident?-

Bay: No, it's not a trident. *Takes away the spear* Enough with the spear.

Coral: *Angy-* If we wanted to hurt you, we would've done it already. Cus' if I'm being perfectly honest with myself, you have a very punchable face.

Bay: *Dumbfounded–*

Sea: *slowly takes the spear back-*


Coral: *Wearing a bag over her head, holding out another bag infront of her* Alright! Put the shells in the bag! PUT 'EM IN–

Bay: Uh, Coral, you're facing the wrong way-

Coral: Oh! Hahah! *Turns around* ALRIGHT! GIMME YOUR SHELLS!–


Bay: I'm the most responsible out of the two of you!

Sea: you just somehow literally lit the kitchen on fire even though we live underwater

Bay: Yeah, and I take full responsibility of that–


The Queen/Viviana: Kids! Dinner is ready!– oh dear

Bay: *Swam in, Sea and Coral biting down on each of their arms* I can't feel my arms anymore–


Bay: Okay, any questions before we love on to the next session?

Sea: *Asked a question but he talked so fast and started to ramble–* :]

Bay: Great- I really understood that-


Bay: You two always go cause a wave of troubles and I have to take the responsibility cus' I'm the oldest! You two get sneakier and sneakier everyday!

Sea & Coral: *Making fish pop noises-*



Bay: Stop it!–

Random lady: *Her voice started to raise up a volume, arguing with her husband*

Bay, Sea and Coral: *All turned silent to listen to the drama–*


( "[ ]" means thoughts-)
*Inviting some other royal families for a party*

Viviana: Please try and spend some time with the other princes and princesses, ok?

Bay: *sighs* [But being nice is so hard-]


Bay: *Shook a Prince's hand at the party* [Shut it Tom. I only shook your hand because I had to. We will never be friends.]

Prince: Let's enjoy this party together!

Bay: [I hope you die.]


Bay: *Glaring at some cocky prince*

Sea & Coral: *looks at Bay, then at the prince, then at Bay again, then back to the prince*



*Bay and Coral going to get some stuff*

Sea: Hey! I forgot, Papa wanted me to tell you he's cooking tonight!


Bay: Alright! We'll be back before the sun goes down!


*The three hiding in kelp, staring at two humans who were scuba diving*

Sea, whispering: Those are weird looking king crabs–

Coral, whispering back: Those aren't king crabs you guppy! Those are seals!-

Bay, whisper-yell: For the love of Triton– No! They're humans!-

Coral & Sea: They have funny looking things- can we steal them?-

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