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Name: Kumiko Akumu


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(Got the quirk from the same Bnha Quirk book- by BarnOwlJPG)

Quirk: Time Lag

Type: Emitter

Ability: The user has the ability to slow down time in a ten meter radius

- The user activates and deactivates this quirk by snapping their fingers

- The user is unaffected by the effects of the quirk; they are able to move at normal speed when the quirk is activated

- Essentially, the user can move at normal speed while the things in the area of the quirk's affect move slowly, making the user super fast compared to everything else

Drawback/s: When the quirk is activated, the user can't breath

- The user can't control what their quirk affects, so everything in the ten meter radius slows down, regardless of friend or enemy

Special Ability: Complete stop

- Like the name suggests, the user is able to stop time in 50 meter radius for 30 seconds

- The user will be unable to use their quirk for 30 minutes


- The user will probably have to work on their lung capacity and holding their breathe


- She's the full remake of Akumu!

- She's not a villain, she's actually the one that owns the store that Neru goes in her free time-

- She- is not caught up with anything– a villain in a crappy disguise comes in her store? Oh she doesn't know that's a villain-

- She will kick you out if you cause ruckus inside her store-

- She/Her, Straight Ally

- She's actually an ex-hero, she resigned due to not being able to handle the stress of being a pro hero, maybe that's why she isn't caught with anything- she does not wanna be caught up with hero and villains again-

- Neru got her for the Hero internships- She allowed this because Neru is her favorite out of all the students that came to her store–

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