Dreaded Faith Infodump pt. 2

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- She's the one in charge of keeping the group's energy in check, whether she'd admit that or not-

- She badmouths the opponents a lot-

- Her strength is above average, she can lift abouuutttt- 6 or 7 rice bags, you have no idea how big and heavy those are-

- She has a strong swing too, she's mostly hand-to-hand combat and melee.

- Her weak point is her temper, it's easy to piss her off and it's easy to see that. Her movements get more eratic, more predictable when she's mad.

- Her favorites are bats, especially if you nail in the spikes correctly. Metal bats are also a win-win.

- She hits where it'll hurt the most, the longest to recover from, depending on the opponent. The head? Sometimes it'll be too hard to hit that, she'll have to go for something else.

- She has good aim too, if you can't tell she used to play baseball.

- Her and RS are a power-duo, RS throws the bombs she made, she batters up and sends it on a homerun towards the enemy-

- She normally just goes for more "normal" weapons, but Dysnomia's upgrades are an exception

- Her speed is pretty good too, as well as her stamina. But not that high.

- She likes using the enviroment to her advantage. Bar? Broken glass bottles, chairs. Woods? Dirt, rocks, fuckin' bugs-

- She can handle some heavy weapons, but it slows her down, she tends to do heavy weapons at a last option thing.

- Anything fire related though, she loves that shit.

- Her bat is on fire? You fucking bet she's still gonna use to beat you up

- She cares little for her own health too, shrugs it off like it ain't a big deal. Ma'am you have second degree burns from the fire-

- Unless someone actually yells out that she's had enough, she'll keep going until she passes out.

- Another one that pushes past her limits. I mean, it's what she was taught to do back then.


- She's the one who schemes most of the traps.

- She makes her own bombs, she often lends some to the others, y'know, just in case.

- She's pretty low on almost everything, bit her speed and stamina is above average.

- Karma put her on a strength training session, but she doesn't attend most of the time due to her pulling all nighters cus' of her bombs.

- That also lead to Karma closing off the lab and garage at a certain time so her and Dysnomia go to fucking bed-

- Her memory is pretty good, what chemicals go with each other and all that.

- Other than bombs, she prefers daggers. She puts poison on those too.

- She knows when to quit, it just takes a while since she's also as stubborn as RM.

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