"The future heirs of nothing."

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Ooooooo! Another remake of Gold and Midnight's backstory! This time, what I have right now will definitely stick for a long time!

This time featuring MORE CHARACTERS! WOWAH—

That's right, other than Black and useless chatter of villagers, there are other relevant people!—

Now for warnings!

This will contain:


Fake saviour/goddess

Mentions of a war



Body mutilation


Harsh words (not only cursing)

I will not hold back on Black being an absolute asshole—

Now let's get started!~

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom. A king and a queen ruled peacefully, their subjects happy.

Their kingdom stood tall, its sight beautiful throughout the day and night. The goddess statue, in the very center of the kingdom, stood there with all its glory. That goddess was their saviour, they respected and adored her. People would come and say their wishes to the statue, hoping it would come true.

The queen had a very hard time bearing a child, so she went to the goddess statue and wished for the blessing of a child.


Elaine, the queen kneeled in front of the goddess statue, the moonlight softly shining onto it.

"Hello, Solaris.. I hope you are doing well.. I have a wish to make.."

She looked up at the statue, the way it was positioned almost made it seem like it was looking down at her.

"Me and my husband have been.. having a difficult time with getting me conceived.. I.."

She hesitated, doubting herself. Maybe she just had a fertility issue she was never aware of? It'd be silly to make a wish if that was the case...

But that slight chance that she isn't... A flicker of hope..

"... All I wish for is a child. Even just one will do..."

She placed her hands together, looking hopefully up at the statue.

".. That is all. Have a good night, Solaris."

She gave a soft smile, standing up to her feet. She dusted off her dress and headed back to the castle.


One day, her wish was answered and she was beyond joyed. The kingdom roared with excitement at the sight, the first princess. The King and Queen adored her all the way. To her first step and even just her second word.


"Come on, Midnight! You can do it, dear!"

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