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"Ugh how troublesome.."


- She isn't with Black and the others, she's staying in the Moon Empire.

- She isn't human, but not exactly a monster either. She was found in the ghost town of a once proud kingdom.

- She despised the idea of having a mark on her, so she refused to get it.

- She's met Black before, wandered too far into the forest at night.. And possibly stayed there for a few days-

- She'll never admit that she had a crush on her before, she didn't know why, but the idea of romance at that time made her angry, or was she afraid? Who knows, she's let go of it.

- They settled as just besties-

- The moment she saw Paint, it's just instant hate and a dagger almost hitting Paint's head.

- She hates the mere thought of her. Her disgusting hair, sickly giggly voice, her FUCKING DUMB-

- Her brother is pretty though... pRETTY DUMB HAHAHAH You heard nothing.

-Anyways, she's a really good swordswoman-

- Having metal fused into her, sometimes makes a slight noise when she moves.

- She's extremely attached to Error, like an older brother figure, but if you ask her, she's gonna flat out deny it

- And then proceeds to insult Error to prove her point-

- ... And then apologizes to him in private-

- She never brought clothes for Black because that would look hella suspicous, why would she be bringing clothes to a death forest-

- When they moved in, she was so shocked- Black can actually leave her forest???

- She's not the most sociable, like the second most quiet one, Deana has the first place

- She got her own little pet from Black

- A lion. Somehow.

- Imagine coming back to the empire with a lion you are now emotionally attached to. His name is Simba.

- She may look sophisticated and takes her job seriously but she does not. She's caught Deana more than once stealing and has not snitched.

"Oh please, beating up bitches like you is WAY too fun."


- Her main weapon is a spear, but take that away, you are in for it now.

- You better catch these hands before they land in your face-

- Black revived her because of her urge to cause violence and her burning determination to get revenge.

Oc Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz