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- She's a police officer, surprisingly

- She goes to the gym weekly

- She fell before Frisk

- She fell down into the underground by accident. She was on a search party for the 6th human child that went missing.

- How she was able to survive without getting murdered for her soul was purely by negotiation.

- Like how laws on the surface have changed, it's best if they know that in advance when they do eventually get out.

- If she was in the game, she's constantly moving around, you'll be able to see her in a lot of places and with some special text you can get out of her.

- Like info about the fallen humans, since they were considered as missing cases. Blaire does a lot of case reading in her free time.

- She treats Frisk like a kid, no matter the amazing feats they've done

- She lives somewhere in Waterfall, as much as she loves the cold, cozy vibe snowdin has, she has to admit that Waterfall is really pretty.

- Her soul trait is Patience

- If she fell before Frisk, why are the fallen humans' stuff still lying around? Wouldn't she have took them?

- She didn't get the faded ribbon because she just stepped over the spikes-

- Most of the Ruins' puzzles she skipped by just stepping over the spikes-

- Befriending her is pretty easy, why does she need to keep her guard up around a kid?

- Depending on the route though, like everyone else, her dialogue can change.

- In pacifist, it's obvious she's friendly, has that older sister vibe (since she is one-), a few teasing here and there. Helpful advice, etc.

- In Neutral, it entirely depends who you killed, Papyrus, Toriel, Undyne or Asgore? I'll get to that later.

- In genocide, she's still moving from place to place, even if everyone has already left. Mocking you every time you try to talk to her.

- She will try to talk you out of it, only in Snowdin though. Anywhere else? She's done trying to help you.

- Her fight would be more long paced. Instead of dodging, she blocks. She's patient, if fighting you gives more time for the monsters to flee and Undyne to prepare, so be it. She's not going anywhere.

- She'll do her best at trying to throw you off your groove, making attacks have longer waits even though they're normally fast paced, switching up the patterns, etc.

- She's human, just like you. She's just as determined, just for a different purpose.

- Killing her would give a really big EXP boost I imagine. Creepy part is, she doesn't turn to dust, so you can go back to the room you fought her in at any time and just see her lifeless body, on the ground, leaning on the wall.

- You won't be getting weapons from her though, she made sure to use up all her bullets once she knew she's stalled death long enough.

- Now as for defenses though, you can get her police badge. It's only effect is making you faster, plus emotional damage to some monsters that see it.

- The human they had couldn't even stand up against the blood thirsty killer. Where's the hope now?

- Ok- now back to neutral run.

- There are, so many neutral outcomes, so I'll only be doing the ones I know so far.

- If you kill Toriel, she has mixed feelings about that. First, just does not agree with Undyne's new rule about destroying all humans that fall down. She doesn't know if that includes her, but as a safety measurement, She'll flee to Toriel's now vacant home.

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