"So there's this rumor..."

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Hello! Here I am once again with a backstory!

Tammy's to be exact!

I actually changed A LOT to Tammy's backstory, so that one chapter "Welcome Home" or whatever I titled it, the one where Black finds Tammy, yeah that's not canon anymore. I'll make a different one once I finish up all the backstories for the Bad Gals

Now, warnings.

Cruel Orphanage
Creepy/Haunted School
Face Blindness (Is what I think it's called)
Body Horror
A popular rumor...

Anyways! Let's get this show on the road!

"Hey! Samantha! Over here!"

"Yeah girl, get over here!"

I shook my head playfully, walked towards them and sat at their seat, putting my lunch on the table. "What's got you two all excited?" I asked, taking a bite out of my apple.

"Okay, so, you know how our vlog channel has been going to shit?"

"Yeesh, no need to remind me."

"Weeellll, Brittney here, the absolute genius snooper that she is, just got us a new video idea!~"

I raised my eyebrow, looking at Brittney who flipped her hair dramatically. We had a small snicker before she started explaining what her idea was.

"Ok. So, with some little help and researching, this place used to be a huge, and I mean HUGE orphanage back in the old days. You know, where monsters and half monsters weren't welcome and shit."

"Ugh, if this video idea of yours going to be political, then I pass."

"Let me finish! It was a really shitty orphanage, like y'know, the system. So shitty in fact, they care more about the money and public image than the actual children. Which pulls the ACTUAL idea to play. There's this interesting little rumor..."

She made little hand gestures towards us, encouraging us to lean in to listen. We all leaned in to a small circle.

"There was an attack in the orphanage, resulting in one of the oldest orphans to be killed. But they never held a funeral for the poor soul. Forever forgotten."

"Soo... What are you getting at here?"

"There's this rumor... That the soul is still roaming around this school. Furious by the cruelty of this place. That couldn't even bother to keep a picture of her. They say when the clock strikes 12pm, on the day she died, the whole school is littered with her screams and begging. If an unlucky soul ever entered a room while she was in there, you shall never be recognized again."


"Keep your voice down, Barbara!!"

Brittney put a hand to Barbara's mouth, silencing her as our other classmates looked at us strangely. But she is right, that's creepy as fuck...

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