Facts about Jinx and Massacre

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This chapter is going to be some more info about the two- since I was in a rush and put only a smiley face on the extra part on their chapter-



- Massacre is 19yrs old

- She/Her

- Currently doesn't care for labels, so Uh- unlabeled-

- Massacre's face without the mask looks normal, no facial scars, na-da-

- She wears gloves, like hell she's gonna leave fingerprints everywhere-

- The green shirt belonged to her mom, she had to patch it up with random stuff like zippers and extra cloth-

- The yellow pocket holds something really dear to her

- The cracks on her mask represents how close she is breaking to breaking character, pretending to be normal so she won't get caught.

- She's a bit of a show off, as you can see by all the eyes on her sash-

- The bandage around her neck was from one of the victims scarring it from choking her, they had some sharp nails-

- Not all of the eyes she gets is for show, she often gives them to Jinx, so she can eat it

- Other than the small dagger she keeps on her belt, she uses anything to her advantage.

- And I mean anything-

- Like- imagine getting murdered with a spoon. Pathetic for you but impressive to the spoon-

- Every victims' house will be missing utensils and knives. What? It's not like they'll be using them anymore-

- She takes the clothes that fit her too-

- She suffers from depression, but that's not very visible, not because of the mask, it's very hard to read her out.

- Coping mechanism and a way to hide it? Ignoring every single sign of it and goes on with her life- and uh, how do I explain this??-

- She doesn't make it really obvious that she's hiding it, again, acting 'normal' to other people's standards

- Would not complain about the thought of a suicide mission-

- She'd deserve it anyways.


- She's 12yrs old

- She/Her

- She actually has 3 mouths on her ghost tail?? Whisp?? I dunno- it's just behind Massacre in the drawing

- All of them can talk. They can giggle, cry, growl, whatever-

- That makes it a bonus point as a little echo- actually no, huge, painful to the ears echo-

- The eyes she gets to eat is like an offering to her, even though she doesn't need it. So she considers them as normal snacks, and if the eyes are pretty? Gifts or special treatment-

- 'Her' eyes are unnaturally big and creepy because they're not even hers.

- The eyes are the windows to the soul after all.

- The eyes are the only thing that isn't ghostly, meaning that's the only thing you'll be able to touch

- Which is the worst possible thing to touch-

- Since the eyes are real, everytime Jinx levitates away too fast, you can see the eyes lagging behind a bit. Since she's only using levitation to keep them in place-

- She can technically just eat anything, it's not gonna kill her anyways, she's already dead-

- The mouths are a representation of uhh- how do I explain this?-

- Y'know, that constant chatter in your head, whether that be good or bad. Always hungry to think and talke about something.

- That forever lingering feeling of something you'll never get over

- She fogs up windows that are near her.

- Incredibly cold to phase through-

- She can turn parts of her upper body in weird ways, like those plastic dolls with extra joints-

- Her death involved her eyes and her joints

- That's why the most creepy thin about her would be her eyes

- It's her fault anyways.

O t h e r s.

-  Massacre and Jinx are sisters, Massacre obviously being older

- I decided it was finally time to revamp Massacre and Jinx because, C'mon- Massacre looked like an angsty edgy teen-

- And Jinx? Was not creepy at a l l -

-  All creepypasta's have their own signature thing, right? Like Jeff's being "Go to sleep" or his weird ass smile-

- Well, Massacre and Jinx' thing is that all their victims have no eyes and tongues. The windows around the house are always foggy.

- They don't kill everyday, they'll literally just chill until they feel like killing again-

- Jinx is a little shit and since she's a ghost and most people can't even touch her, she is unstoppable.

- Unless Massacre flicks her eyeball-

- Like every sibling fashion, Jinx copies what Massacre does, out of pure boredom

- Massacre never bothers to get a satchel for the dagger even though it grazes her every time she runs

- "Romance? Yucky!"  - Jinx

- Massacre's real name is still Maya

- Jinx' real name is Jill

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