Dancetale Oc

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This is possibly the first OC chapter that's going to be a bit long soooo- read-

Name: Delilah Orchids



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Headcanons voice:


- She/Her, Panromantic

- Her soul trait is Perseverance!

- She's a bit of an airhead, but she's a kind soul, really.

- She fell into the underground by accident, she was practicing a dance move in the cave.

- That for some reason, she thought it was a good idea to practice in even though children have gone MISSING IN THAT AREA–

- Ma'am there was a recent report about it a few weeks ago and you still went there????-

- She fell before Frisk as well.

- She loves learning about different dances, she has some favorites though. Foooor certain occasions.

- Her attacks would be precise and depending on what dance style she goes with, can be either fast pace or slow paced.

- Her attacks would be like Muffet's, but instead of three lines, there's six and it's shaped like a dance floor-

- She dodges too lol-

- In a genocide route, she WILL take the phrase "Dance till' you're dead" very seriously.

- She would fight you somewhere in Hotland, since the opportunity to just push you into lava is just. Everywhere.

- But that's also a gamble for her since she too, can fall into lava

- And that's how you kill her, fight her long enough, she'll miss a step and fall to her death.

- She'd live in the ruins with Toriel, pretty spacious. And then lie to other monsters that she lives in Snowdin so she won't sell out Toriel-

- You can see her interacting a lot with other monsters, often to just- dance with them-

- It's like fnf, but make it dance battles–

- She loves the choreography Alphys comes up with and often dances it for her. Even if it is based off of an anime-

- She's flexible, which makes dodging in battle so goddamn easy-

- She loves dancing Infront of a crowd, gives her a lot of encouragement and ego boost ngl-

- She knows how to do partnered up dances, but she hasn't been partnered with a lot of people and just gets a teeny weensy bit nervous when doing those.

- Aka. accidentally stepping on feet and then panic and then apologize- and it's just a vicious cycle-

- The one she's not used to the most is latin, so she enjoys Papyrus's lessons a lot

- She too, skips puzzles.

By jumping extremely far-

- She loves ice skating too, especially 8f she gets to dance

- Her grandmother taught her a lot about dances, mostly traditional ones, but she enjoyed them nonetheless!

- Loved her to bits, and decided to pass on that memory, to keep dancing.

- Never really met her parents, they passed but her grandmother always said that they were excellent dancers.

- Who knows, she might be like them someday.

- She doesn't like Waterfall very much. Don't get her wrong, it's very pretty!

- She just slips a lot there, so, grudge on wet places ig-

- Oh but she's definitely that one girl that's just surrounded by a lil dance circle at every club.

- She has been seen in at least one MTT Show-

- She's never aware of resets. Sure the occasional nightmare here and there, but she just never pays any mind to them.


- Got her confused fr

- Try explaining to an airhead that there's practically infinite versions of her and everyone she knows, they're all real and different and never ending-

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