"Why bother? I tried."

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Another OC backstory!

This one is Deana's. The sniper with a resting bitch face-

Though before we start, warnings are to be told!

Mentions of a blast/explosion
Self Harm/SH

That's all for this angst trip- You have been warned!

I have other stuff you can look at if this ain't your cup of tea. ❤️

Deana's POV:

Stupid alarm clocks. I got up and immediately turned off the wretched bell demon. I climbed out of my bed and started my daily routine. Cook breakfast, eat, bathe and change. Simple enough. Some sort of event is happening today, something about a strange magic discovery. I wonder what they found this time...

Not like I care. I have more important shit to do. I grabbed my bag, made sure everything I needed was there and got out of my apartment room. After entering the elevator and pressing the ground floor button, some old ladies were gossiping behind me. "Oh dear me! I wonder what they discovered?? Do you think it could be anything dangerous?"

"Oh pish posh! This town knows better than to let something dangerous loose! It's probably something juicier and safer than that."

"Juicier? Oh do tell."

"I heard a little rumor that it's something powerful. Something that's hard to tear apart and has an insane amount of magical energy!"

"Oh my, sounds like a new town generator to me."

"Oh but here's the thing, it looked similar to a soul! But it looked like it never had a body!"

"Well that's just made up now!"

The elevator made a small "ding" and opened the doors. I got out and waited outside the apartment building, checking my phone every now and then. Until I heard a familiar, soft voice call out. I looked over with a grin, a bubbly redhead waving at me from across the street. I looked both ways before heading towards her. I gave her a quick kiss on the hand while she kissed my entire face. Thank God I brought tissues. We chatted as we walked towards our favorite restaurant. We went to our usual seats by the window, got the menu and started reading through it. "Sooooo, you heard about the event happening at the town square?" I sighed a bit, tilting the menu down to look at her.

"You know I'm not into events, especially if it has something to do with the government. Those events are the most suffocating."

"I know.. BUT! I found a perfect spot for us! It's far enough so we won't get smooched and pushed by the crowd, but close enough to see what the event is about!"

I threw her a questionable glance, while she pulled the pink doe eyes at me... Fucking damn it. I sighed again and nodded. She looked like she was going to throw the menu out of excitement, judging by how hard she's gripping it. "But just this once. The only other town square events I'd go with you are Valentine's day, Christmas and Halloween."

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