Random facts pt. 1

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- BM will learn random video game lores just to annoy the living crap out of people if she's ever bored

- RM just owes Black, she doesn't move in with the Bad Gals cus' of some traumatic thing, she legit just has debt-

- Paint knows a lot of languages, cus' she does have to interact with some AUs that are in different languages.

- Though, if you ask Paint to speak in said language, all knowledge of that jumps out of the window- guess it's more of a subconscious habit

- Magenta and Disco used to date–

- When Exe was kicked out of her game, the armor she had on melted onto her, making her more durable than normal humans. That's what those grey rectangles are on her cheeks.

- Mary has met Black before, back in her teenage years. Wasn't a good experience

- On the first day of the truce, Gold visited the Bad Gals, almost got hit by an axe-

- I have a whole ass fictional backstory for the character that represents me- I just don't know whether I should post it or nah-

- The eyes are the windows to the soul, they said, well good thing Shade doesn't have some–

- YS likes Vocaloid, no not the nice meaning ones- The ones with a gruesome meanings-

- Novel gets creeped out by Shade, mostly because she just can't read her.

- Ever wondered why Stella is perfectly fine up in space, without space gear?-

- Luna physically can never grow up- she's from Littletale, where the whole thing about the AU is, everyone is a kid-

- RS is second in command now, since Karma took the leader role now

- There is a dead Bad Gals member, before the whole Black death.

- Leah has a plain fashion style because it's a trick, she has other weapons and shit under there-

- Deana has a plain fashion style because she doesn't care if she dies-

- The purple stripe in the Bad Gals' hair are permanent, they have some magic benefits though

- Gold and Midnight are half German, from the Father's side

- Y'know the pink stuff on Psychie's face? Yeah that's edible-

- Taking off Jocelyn's removable face? Wow, it's like you want to have nightmares-

- Bubblegum will slap or punch anyone if she's protecting you-

- Dysnomia has some weird ass hallucinations- like a tiny, pink rhinoceros is dancing around on her work bench or something-

- Black's magic is of course, from her curse, so it has some weird effects on Karma sometimes

- Karma has these special moments called body shutdowns. It's like when something runs out of power and suddenly comes back-

- So Karma can basically die and just come back- like a weird momentarily reset-

- Tammy has a bad lying habit-

- Every time Morrigan tries to use any sort of potion on Black, it never works, either it's too weak, or her curse is already doing whatever the potion is supposed to do.

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