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Bill Denbrough lost his younger and brother and older brother in the same year.

Tags: Angst and Death

For his younger brother he refused to believe his younger brother was gone. So he got his Older brother Y/N and his friends to help he find his younger brother Georgie.

While trying to find Georgie they made new friends Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, and Mike Hanlon.

One night Bill heard Georgie's voice which led him to the basement. Which it wasn't Georgie it was a clown.

They helped Ben clean the wound that Henry Bowers carved into his stomach. Him, his friends and brother cleaned Beverly Marsh's bathroom which was covered the bathroom.

They helped Mike Hanlon who was dealing with Henry Bowers which also led to a rock fight.

They got to Pennywise's house and they hadnt found Georgie and Eddie broke his arm.

Bill didn't know the second time they go into the house they will go in with 8 and leave with 7.

Bill had to shoot the Memory of Georgie which was actually Pennywise. Then Pennywise killed Y/N right after.

Everything went slow when Bill watched Y/N die. He lost both of his brothers to Pennywise.

"No" Bill said as he watched his brother take his last breath. The losers hugged him that was all they could do. None of them knew the pain Bill was feeling losing both brothers.

That was when Bill was Determined to kill the fucking clown. No matter of he got out dead or alive he was determined to kill it.

Which they did.

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