Chapter 26

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Draco's pov:

We've been at Hogwarts for a while now, and I swear on my magic that Potter Junior and his minions are planing something. I am not entirely sure what, but I will find out. "Draco!", Pansy whisper shouts at me from across the table in potions. "Yes?", I ask her in an annoyed tone. "What's on your mind? Is it Potter Junior? Oh, I'm sure it is!", she didn't even let me talk while she asked all those questions. Whne I say nothing, not even protest, she sights. "Honestly, Dray, it's like you're in love!", she tells me and I cringe at that. "In love?! Are you crazy?! I would never ever fall in love with someone like him!", I whisper shout back as I add some dracon scales to the potion and start stirring clockwise for 1 minute.

"I never said that you were in love with Potter Junior", Pansy retores. "Maybe you're just in love with his twin, Hadrian", and I actually laugh at that. "Pansy, I don't even know him!", I tell her and she shrugs. "Maybe you're in love with the thought if him, like, with the person you think he is", she thinks out loud and I giveher a look. "Pansy, as I said, I haven't even met him yet and for all we know he could be dead!", I retore amd she sights again. "Anyways, what were you thinking about before?", she asks me, now finally done with her bullshit. "About what Potter Junior and his minions vould possibly be planing. I mean, for all we know, they are out there right now, trying to get themselfs killed!", I tell her honestly and she nods along with my statement. "True, and it would be just more trouble for us Slytherins if he dies", she shakes her head and we stay quiet for the rest of the lession, solemly focusing on out potion, which of course turned out great.

At lunch, I can't take my eyes off of Potter Junior. As always, he is talking to Weasley and Granger, who are normally eather stuffing their face or reading, but now, neither does the one he normally does. Instead, they are all huddled up together, their heads impossibly closr to eachother. They are whispering furiously with eachother, not caring about who might hear or get a hunch. Well, at least Granger has enough sense to look around once in a while, to make sure no one is watching, sadly, she oversees me, and so I can keep watching them, only hoping for them to drop some more hints on what they're doing. Suddenly, Potter Junior looks up and our eyes meet. For a brief second we just stare at eachother, doing and saying nothing. That brief moment feels like an eternity, and is wnded just as quickly as it has started when Granger tugs at Potter Junior's robe and his attention is instantly shifted to her.

I am still staring at him, trying to figure out what just happend. I frown in confusion as I find myself unable to explain what just happend. "Draco, maybeyou're a little to obsessed...", Theo comments after Pansy filled him, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle in on what Draco had told her earlier. "Yeah, sure, whatever you say...?", I ask,not even really listening to what he said. "Right...", Blaise says, very, very, overly slowly. I just ignore him and keep staring at the redhead (who is not Ronald Weasley). I sight tiredly. "Dray?", Pansy asks me and I finally look at her. "I can't figure this shit out and it'smaking me crazy!", I confess not so quietly and some older Slytherins look in my direction with a confused and concerned look on their faces.

"I can't find out just what the hell Potter Junior  is planing, but I know it's something that might get them killed,and if that happens, no matter what exactly happebd or how they died, Slytherin will be given the fault and our reputation will be bad!", I started to feel stresed out about this whole situation and felt like it was my responsibility to make sure none of that happens", I rattle off and don't evn look at anyone in specific while I say all of that. "Hey, Malfoy, it's okay.... we will all help ylu and make sure none of them dies... it's our reputation as well", some older year says and I blink at him in surprise. "Yeah, Albert's right! We all will take part in this!", another older year says, probably a friend of that "Albert".  "That's right, Kenny!", another one, a female, yells and the hall quietens down my a little,but none of us Slytherins care.

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