Chapter 24: Unwanted & Unwelcome Information

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You find out some rather unwanted news about Draco's parents.


The next day absolutely dragged by. You managed to not cry in Defense Against the Dark Arts, which was helpful mainly because you didn't want to explain that to Harry, but you cried on and off throughout pretty much all of your other classes. Even in Potions. Draco kept looking at you the more you sniffled, but he didn't say a word to you, in or outside of class.

You met Harry again after classes again, but you'd been so beaten down by the events of the day that you couldn't even feel happy focusing on a memory. Your feeble attempts at casting the Patronus spell resulted in flimsy blue smoke, and a couple of your cries of "Expecto Patronum!" resulted in nothing.

"Are you doing alright?" Harry asked as you threw your wand to the ground in defeat and sat down, putting your head in your hands.

"I'm not doing too well," you admitted, deciding against fighting Harry when he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "I'm just so stressed about everything lately, I don't even know where to start." Not to mention you couldn't talk about it. Draco was already pissed beyond belief that you were even speaking to Harry Potter, telling him anything about what was going on between the two of you would be a death sentence for your relationship.

"Do you want to go on a broom ride?" Harry asked, motioning to the Quidditch brooms propped up beside the tent. "I know you mentioned last time that it helps clear your head."

You nodded then, deciding it was probably your best bet for getting any sense of clarity. You picked your wand up from where you'd dejectedly thrown it just moments before, tucking it into your waistband as you boarded your broom beside Harry boarding his.

"Race to the Astronomy Tower?" he asked, a glint in his green eyes. You grinned then, nodding as you took off on your broom. "Last one there buys the Butterbeer!" you hollered, hearing Harry's laugh as he took off after you.

You raced through the open skies, the cold wind whipping across your face as you did so. You soared through the air, watching the Astronomy Tower get closer and closer.

You only barely managed to reach it first, with Harry hot on your tail. You swung around it to slow yourself down, stopping just in front of the brunette boy, wild-eyed and crazy-haired, but his smile never dimming.

"Alright, alright, you win," he called, laughing loudly. "I'll buy the Butterbeer."

You smiled brightly back at him, playfully flipping your hair over your shoulder. "You should've known better than to challenge the y/n Everglade," you called back, your smile bright.

The two of you touched down shortly after that, promising to make plans to actually go get Butterbeer.

You felt lighter than you had in weeks as you made your way back to the Common Room, grateful that you were still friends with Harry, even if your relationship had started out as a way for you to make Draco jealous.

That light feeling was short-lived, however, when you met Draco right inside the Common Room.

His eyes were wide and red, leading you to wonder if he'd been crying. He grabbed your wrist as soon as he saw you, his eyes pleading with you not to protest as he led you up the stairs.

You didn't protest, you simply followed him up to his room, climbing up on his bed and awaiting what he had to say.

He ran his hands through his white-blond hair as he turned to you, making sure the door was locked first.

"Y/N, I have to tell you something," he started out, reaching out for your hands. You'd never seen him appear this panicked, and you didn't pull away when he grabbed your hands in his own.

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