Chapter 43: Far, far away

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You desperately wanted to return to Hogwarts, so you and Draco hatch a plan to get you back there.


A week had gone by, and you had finally regained your voice. There were points where it cracked out, but for the most part you were finally able to speak again. You couldn't really expect much more, though, for after all, you'd almost been killed.

You hadn't recognized the house you had Apparated to, but you supposed it was for the best. If you didn't even know where you were, how was Voldemort supposed to know?
Draco kept up with the news as best as he could by using a radio he'd brought with him. He'd been nearly unable to sleep most nights, curling up next to you every night despite the fact that he laid awake the whole night through more often than he actually fell asleep. You were beginning to worry about the poor boy, and you didn't know what would happen when the school year started back up. You couldn't really go back, but you supposed Draco had to. But when you brought up the situation to Draco in a question about it all, he was adamant that you needed to return to Hogwarts as well.

"You have to go back," Draco retaliated. "You can't just give up on your studies."

"Draco, I'm supposed to be dead," you responded. "How am I supposed to stay undercover if I just waltz back into Hogwarts? Voldemort would find me probably the first day of classes."

Draco paced back and forth, clearly in deep thought. "What if we altered your appearance somehow?" he asked. "We would basically have to enroll you as a transfer student of some sort. Maybe from Beaubaxtons? Or Ilvermorny?"

You wrinkled your nose at the thought of the American wizarding school. You hadn't heard much about it, but Draco thought it was worse than Hogwarts, and even your parents hadn't heard a lot of good things about it. You weren't sure you wanted people thinking you'd come from there.

Draco noted your sour expression, chuckling a little bit. "Okay, okay. Not Ilvermorny. But you won't be able to pass as a Beaubaxtons student, I'm afraid. Not because you're not pretty enough, but they've got this super strict regimen and you have to walk with your head super high and you have to have perfect posture—it's just not something someone can fake without practicing for a really long time beforehand."

You nodded. You knew that all too well. Pansy Parkinson had seemed a whole new person the first time you saw her after she'd transferred to the Academy of Magic.

"What about Erehnoll?" you asked then. "The wizarding school from Ireland? Cho Chang came from there."

Draco looked up at you. "It's better than Ilvermorny, I guess."

You smiled at his resignation, but also at the fact that you would get to return to Hogwarts after all. Even if everyone would have to meet an entirely different person, and you would probably have to try to make friends with other people, it would be worth it.

Draco nodded. "Send a letter to my mum about it then, and I'll get to studying the spells to change your appearance."

"What about just Polyjuice potion?" you asked. Draco shook his head. "It would be a lot harder to sneak into Erehnoll to get hair or anything from a student there. Plus, we'd have to keep brewing Polyjuice, because you'd have to keep drinking it in order to maintain your appearance. If we just use reversible spells, it's going to be easier on everyone involved, plus we don't have to keep casting the spells to keep you looking like that other person."

You nodded. That made sense.

You hurried into the bedroom you shared with Draco to pen the letter to his mother, your quill moving quickly on its own as you did so. You had nearly forgotten to sign your alias a number of times, so you were grateful that Draco always proofread your letters before giving them to the owl.

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