chapter six

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Moving into the cabin during the course of a day had been quite a struggle. Levi had taken you to your current house after showing you around the cabin, and you both got straight to work. There wasn't much to do. You used to think that your house was small, though it had felt large when you were alone. But, now, you had the cabin. Much larger, much more to your taste. And, you couldn't thank Levi enough.

Both of you had packed your things into boxes. Clothes and other necessities that you wanted to take. Levi had carefully placed the several books he had in his office into a box, closing it and placing it next to the front door, ready to be taken away. You had packed all of your clothes, shoes, toiletries, while Levi did a thorough sweep through of the house, making sure that you had left nothing behind.

The process had taken a few hours, but you didn't care one bit. As long as you were in your cabin before nightfall, you were happy. And, with the way it was going, it looked like that was going to happen.

All the boxes of the things you wanted to take were by the door and ready to go, a carriage and cart outside to assist you with taking all your belongings to your new home.

Your current house would always be special to you, because it was your first house with Levi as a married couple, but... now, you had a home. Yes, this house would hold several memories, but, as long as you were with Levi, the memories would be with him; they were all engraved into your soul. All the memories and years to come would be engraved into your soul.

So, with one final look into your first house, you and Levi turned and walked out the door, hand in hand.

And you headed towards your new home.


It was nearing dinnertime. You had already packed away all of your clothes, and now you were starting on the office while Levi organised everything in the bathroom and did a thorough cleaning of your new home.

As you were unpacking the books, you noticed a rectangular box, hidden underneath everything else.

You picked it up carefully. It was black, velvet and quite heavy. Slowly, you opened the box, gasping once you saw what was inside.

Your daggers.

The ones you used in the Underground. The ones you used in Stohess when Kenny and his Squad attacked.

They were the exact same ones.

The box had a silk lining, keeping your daggers safe from harm. Hesitantly, you traced the handle of one of the daggers with your finger, nostalgia washing over you in waves as you recalled all the memories.

You hadn't seen these in years, mainly because you had no primary use for them, but... now they were right in front of you. Memories flashed throughout your mind, an unknown emotion running through you as you picked up one of your old friends, staring at half your face in the reflection.

Your head snapped up as you heard a creak in the floorboards behind you, only to be met with the sight of Levi leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed casually over his chest.

His gaze went from your face, down to the daggers in your hands, then back up to meet your eyes. There was a hint of panic in his eyes, but it immediately faded once you gave him a small smile.

Levi had probably hidden these from you, thinking that they would bring up unwanted memories every time you saw them. But, it was the opposite. These daggers had saved you from many things. They had brought you back to Levi so many times.

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