chapter eleven

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[Four Years Ago]


Your wedding day.

A day that you'd been anticipating for what felt like a life time.

And it was finally here.

After Levi proposed, he claimed he wanted to marry you as soon as possible. So, a month later, here you were, sitting in a tent on the beach, that served as your dressing room, getting ready for the most beautiful day of your life.

Levi had claimed he wanted to marry you in the beach, where he proposed, and who were you to turn him down.

Hange strolled in with a huge grin on her face. "Hello," she chirped, moving to stand behind you. "Sorry I was gone for so long, I had to talk to Levi."

You smiled at the mention of your fiancé. "It's fine. I was about to start getting ready."

"Oh! I'll help!"

You had just over two hours until your wedding ceremony would start. To get ready would only take about an hour, but it was good to have some buffer time, just in case things went wrong.

Unfortunately for you, they did.

"Are you nervous?" Hange asked as she set down everything she would need for your makeup.

You sighed. "Yeah... I just..."

You didn't know exactly what it was, what made break like this, but Hange asking something so minuscule made some sort of barrier break in your mind, and all the possible worst case scenarios of what would happen in the future started piling up in your head. Your heart started beating rapidly, your eyes becoming misty, hands clenching into fists. Maybe it was from nerves, pent-up emotions, but you were breaking down, and it was happening fast. Hange asking just one simple question was what really sent you spiraling.

When Hange noticed that you'd stopped speaking, she turned around, her one good eye immediately widening when she saw the look of horror on your face.

"Y/N?" she questioned, kneeling in front of you, taking your hands in hers. "Hey- Hey, what's wrong?"

You couldn't even speak. Gosh, it barely even took you thirty seconds, and you were already shaking.

"I... I- What if-" You choked on a sob, and you squeezed your eyes shut to try and ground yourself, but no matter how hard you tried, it didn't work. You squeezed Hange's hands, letting her know that you were still with her, that you hadn't completely gone yet.

But then, she was gone, and you turned around just in time to see her running out the tent, your mind barely registering her words: "-get Levi!"

Without someone there with you, you became even more frightened. You didn't want to be alone.

After a few minutes of desperately trying to hold back your sobs, you heard footsteps rapidly running against the sand outside, then your name being called from the other side of the entrance to the tent.


He was panting heavily - he must've ran.

In her haste, Hange had left the tent partially open open, but you heard Levi call your name from behind the wall next to it. You scrambled to stand up and shakily walked towards the wall, then collapsed to the floor, pulling your knees up to your chest and trying to suppress another sob.

That Heart Of Gold | Levi X Reader Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora