Chapter 19: The Decision

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POV: Rex

Rex couldn't get any sleep at all that night. He did try. He really did, but no matter what position, what trick, or just allowing his mind to go blank. Nothing worked. The Prince had sleeping problems before, but he knew this was different. He had thoughts of his mother and father dead. Regina was the second to die as the younger siblings watched in fear. Rex knew what each sibling would do.

Rex's eyes blinked open as he stared at the wall in front of him. It was dark enough for most creatures that will cause trouble walking. However, Rex used his other senses to make up for any loss of sight.

Carbunculus would come up with a plan. Admas would start it off trying to get the captor's attention, while Crystallum would go in for the kill. Feles and Catullus would soon join the white tigress to help get it done. Mel and Velox would use their speed to distract and trip any captor. Pilosus, who never really showed any talent, would agree to watch Macula, Leo, and Viola. However, Rex knew that list wasn't complete.

After all, Swamp had said that a few did escape. The Swamp monster made it clear that he caught the scent of someone entering the cave and leaving with three other creatures. However, Swamp never said who that was, and Rex guessed that made sense.

Bamboo and Mason probably would be killed the very second they were discovered, as they were Strangers. Strangers are not treated kindly by most islanders. For that reason, his mother never gave this information to the public because she knew her subjects wouldn't want strangers within the court.

Roseis was the type to put those who are trusted with her, then anything else. Pola, Bamboo's daughter, would probably help in any way she could. Most likely, helping Pilosus with protecting the younger siblings.

Rex kept thinking of how each of his siblings and family would react to treason, but he didn't want to think of them being overpowered and killed. Many of them are just cubs. They didn't have a choice in the matter and couldn't defend themselves as an adult or near-adult could.

Rex doubt that made an impact on whoever committed treason.

After all, Sola and Lily also had to be included. Turned his thoughts to the topic at hand. Wow, five babies to guard is a lot for two cubs that could barely survive on their own if they were forced to. Rex thought but laughed in his mind. I guess Velox would be the type to focus on them.

Rex didn't know if his uncle or aunt were captured but considering the Angels of Lesser and Great categories. He knew she was one of them. Cursor could be one of the safest cubs out of everyone. As only after a few outside the family members knew who she is. Mother never announced her as Princess as Leona didn't want a bigger target on Cursor.

He couldn't blame either one of them. After all, Native People aren't always given high praise.

The Bengal Tiger finally opened his eyes fully and sighed. He was laying on his stomach in a position that allowed him to get up easily. Rex looked over to Mendax, who had his mouth open and was softly snoring.

*I never knew he snored?* Rex thought, but the noise was so soft. He doubted being asleep would allow him to hear it. He turned his head to his right to see Kadupul curled up into a ball. Her fluffy tail laid nicely over her snot.

Rex didn't know where Swamp or Currere were sleeping, but he assumed they slept outside. From what he learned from his Lessons, many Acer Swamp creatures prefer the outside, trees, or in the water. Rex was happy that Kadupul gave him space tonight because it made it that much easier for him.

The fox and tiger often slept together, with her laying on top of his back ever since their days in Vesper Savannah. Sometimes, she slept close to his stomach or mouth, depending on the area. Rex stood up, being careful not to make a sound. He noticed a soft noise coming from Mendax, but it was another snore.

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