Chapter 4

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   The guard had finally come to a stop. Y/n stopping beside him. She looked curiously at door in front of her. It was bloody like many of the doors they had pasted. But inside she heard what sounded like some crying...

But she also noticed a few other D-Class were here with her. They all looked afraid, and a little beaten up. She counted 4 other D-Class with her. As well as four other guards for the other D-Class.

"Okay D-Class enter into the containment cell. Do not look at the creatures face. Do you understand?"

   With out given them time to respond, the guards opened the heavy door, and pushed them into the containment cell. When they got in they saw the creature in the corner. All the D-Class, except Y/n, backed away into the opposite corner of the creature. They were afraid for their lives.

   Y/n on the other hand was curious, and wanted to see the creature herself. So she took slow careful steps towards the large white humanoid creature in the corner, hoping to not scare it or set it off.

   When Y/n got within two feet of 096 the crying stopped. So she stopped. She knew the scientist were watching her through a camera, she could feel the confused gazes.

   "Hey there you must be SCP-096 right?..." Y/n asked softly. 096 looked up, but she looked away remembering to not look at his face. 096 moved a little closer.

   "I am not here to hurt you it is okay." Y/n told  him nicely. The SCP was close to her. It lightly pat her head, showing it was not going to hurt her. Y/n smiled.

   "H-hey." She heard from next to her. But what she saw made her feel bad for the human beings she was looking at. The four other D-Class were walking towards them, but they made a major mistake that would cost them their lives, the were looking at 096's face.

   The creature that was once being gentle froze, but then tried to cover his face. Weird, angry, and horrific noises came from him. The being stood up, being almost 3 times taller than a normal human. He soon jumps at the other four D-Class tearing them apart.

   Y/n still didn't look at 096's face during the whole thing. But hearing the tearing of flesh, the breaking of bone, and the warm sticky feeling of blood on her, made her sick. She wanted to throw up. But soon the noises of the creature, and the destruction of the four D-Class stopped. But then she heard the door to the cell open, and she was dragged out of there...

Y/N's P.O.V

   It was now night, I was cleaned of the blood and given a change of clothes. Food was being served to everyone. But I was still horrified by what I heard. I was glad I lived yes, but the other D-Class should have lived too! But then again they must have not read the folders they were given.

   "Here you are 8657." I heard. I looked over to see a guard putting a tray down with... something on it?

"Aw fuck off." I hissed. I did not like these people at all.

I heard him mumble something as he walked away. I couldn't make it out...

Now back to the tray. It look at what was on it. What was in it was odd. It looked like a blob of raw dough. But it sure as hell didn't smell like it.

"What the fuck is in this?" I questioned no one.

But sadly I was hungry so I ate it. It surprisingly didn't taste too bad. Still didn't taste good.


Hey everyone! I have finally came up with something! And hey maybe next chapter we might get something on 682~!!

Anyway see you next chapter everyone!!

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