Chapter 11

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'Why is it an empty room?...
Where was 682?
    I didn't even know they took him out of here!'

    "Don't worry D-8657. He will be back within a 1-2.5 hour time span." The speaker boomed. God that ass was getting annoying.

    Then it was silent... and empty... and lonely... and felt like death was watching me. Is this how 682 always felt when he was in this room alone?

   "Well what the hell am I suppose to do?" I grumbled to myself out loud. Hey can you blame me? I was locked by myself for days without any actual human contact, so it has become a habit.

    Then an idea hit me. Maybe I could see if I could say hi to 096. We got along fine when we met, and I haven't gotten to see him expect that one time!

    "Uh... excuse me! Guy behind the speaker?" (DONT YOU PEOPLE DARE MAKE THAT JOKE- I just couldn't think of what else she could say okay?) I called out.

   "What?" The man replied.

    "Can I go see 096 whole 682 is away?" I asked, sounding as kind as I could muster up. I wanted to girl I didn't want to be so nice to this jackass.

    "Erm... sure I guess? I mean it's your fault if you die." The man said. Then the door opened. And here Cole was again.

   "Well I didn't expect to see you so soon." Cole laughed, "But why do you want to see 096?"

   "We became buddies when I got tested with him. It was once but he was real nice." I explained remembering the large, white, humanoid creature.

    "Well then let's go."


   "Alright Y/n be careful." Cole told me as we reached 096's room door. I rolled my eyes.

    "Yeah yeah whatever." I shooed him away as the door opened. The sound of familiar crying came out of the slightly dark room.

I walked through the large metal door. Cole left to go into the room with the scientist that had to help out.

"096? Hey bud I came over to say hi." I called out as the door closed behind me. The crying stopped. I made sure to stay looking down as to not look at his face. The sound of someone standing up and walking over entered my ears.

    "Rrrph." I heard 096 growl-purr above me. Then my head started to be pat.

   "Yeah it's been a bit hasn't it?" I chuckled as I spoke. 096 made the same noise again, but a second or two longer than before.

    "Alright you got to see him. Now let's get you back to your cell." I heard from the door wat. I then felt two arms wrap around me like a very tight hug. I was pressed up against 096 and he growled at the guard. Luckily the guard didn't look at 096's face.

    "Looks like I get to stay a few minutes longer." I smirked. Obviously he couldn't see it due to me still being hugged to death. "096 you're gonna squeeze me to death.."

   I was then let go, luckily. I gasped for a bit of a breath. The guard huffed and close to door. Waiting for a good time to come get me.

   "Grrrph. Rrrphg." 096 said. I looked up, not catching myself before I was too late. I looked up, and saw 096's face. It was white just like the rest of him, but with a large mouth full of sharp teeth, and blood stained around the mouth. And his eyes were pure white, almost made it look like he was blind, but I knew he wasn't.

    "Erm..." I said looking at him. He just kinda started back, "I'm so, so sorry!"

   I squeaked, and hid my face in my hands. My head was pat again. This confused me. Looking up I saw 096 was once again patting my head. No aggression visible.

    "You're... not going to kill me for looking at your face?..." I squeaked the question. 096 continued to look at me, but then finally answered.

    "Grrrph. Gurfff rrrrph gurrph." He purred out. I gave him a small smile, still not understand what he was saying. It made sense now why he made those noises. He couldn't form proper noises or sounds.

    "Thanks 096." I smiled. Then I though of something, "You know what? Now that we're really are friends I'm gonna come up with a nickname for you, just so I don't have to keep calling you 096."

   096 gave a happy huff at that. I though about a few nicknames that would fit him. Shy, Slender, (no not Slenderman you doofs) Patter (because he keeps patting my head), or maybe White. I know not very creative. I looked up at him

   "How about..."


Okay guys I'm ending tag there. Vote on what nickname we should call him, or come up with more. Also sorry it was so short, I didn't have much ideas for this one.

Anyway see you next time!


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