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Noella knew that something happened when Rick, Lucas, and Shane took Randall away from the barn just to bring him back. At the moment, Daryl was interrogating Randall, but for some odd reason, Noella had this feeling that they were going to learn something very disturbing about Randall. "The boy gots a gang. 30 men." He tells them. "They will come here and kill us men, but the women...well, they'll wish they were."

Noella covered her mouth as Rick grabbed her shoulders. "What are you going to do?"

"We're going to have to kill him."

"Do whatever because I want my baby, Carl, my family, and this group safe. I don't want his men coming here to do what he told Daryl." She tells him.

Rick kissed her head making her smile. "Go in while I'll talk to the others. This is too stressful for you."

Noella kissed him before walking away. Rick looked to see Dale standing there and knew there was going to be an issue.
Sometime that day, Noella went walking thinking about the baby. She smiled as she put her hand on her stomach as she went to the barn that the walkers were held in to see a hanging rope in Rick's hand. "You know, I've did a lot of thinking." She tells him. "Are you sure about killing him here because I'm sure there is a certain son named Carl who wants to watch his dad so he can be just like you."

Rick sighed. "Dale wants us to vote."

"I know." She said. "I heard him and he does make a compelling point, but you are just looking out for us. This groups safety."

Rick smiled as he looked at the barn. "I think this will be perfect for everyone..."

"I'll talk to daddy about that." She tells him. "It's going to be winter soon. Need to be inside and insulated home."

"Okay." He said kissing her. "I love you, Noella."

"I love you, Rick."
As they walked out of the barn, Carol saw them. "Noella, have you seen Sophia and Carl?"

"Not today, but I'm sure they're safe." She tells her. "I'm going to go rest."

Carol nodded as Noella walk away. Rick followed her as he knew that soon they will be doing the voting, but Noella won't be there. She will be inside where she won't be stressing out. He refuses to let Noella lose their baby.
Sometime that night, Noella was cooking when Rick walked over to her and kissed her. "You were right. Carl wanted to watch and not just him."

"Sophia?" He nodded. "Carl shouldn't be acting like this. Ever since he discovered Lori's pregnancy, he hasn't been acting like himself or since we saw Miley as a walker."

"What did Dale say to you?"

"Asked me was this right. He could tell that I just don't want to be brought into this because I'm thinking of my baby." She tells him. "That's why I refused to be at the meeting. I'm not going to stress..."

They heard a scream causing everyone to run. "Who is that?"

"Dale!" Andrea cried out.

Noella stopped seeing Dale's stomach opened and knew, he was dying. She turned around and cried into her sister's chest as this wasn't supposed to happen. Rick went to kill Dale, but he couldn't. Carl hugged Noella as he saw the walker just as Sophia hugged Carol. Rick grabbed Noella and Carl as Daryl ended Dale's life. "Let's get you back home."

"This shouldn't have happened." She tells him. "Why Dale? All he wanted was to protect someone's life despite what he told us. He believed the boy, but I have a very bad feeling that something else is going to happen, baby."

"Baby?" He said looking at Carl. "Go inside with Sophia." Carl nodded as he ran towards the house. "Dr. Jenner told me something."

"What did he tell you?"

"We're all infected."

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