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The sound of a gun shot had Noella scared. She didn't like the sound of it. "Noella?" Maggie says.

"Guys, I think that shot wasn't a good thing." She tells them as she ran out of the house.

She knew she wasn't followed, but her looking out into the field she saw them. She covered her mouth as she ran in. "Noella, what's wrong?"

"That shot. It wasn't a good shot. We have uninvited guest and there's a lot." She tells them. "We need guns and fast."

The group started grabbing weapons as they had to defend the farm. Noella walked out with her sister who looked at her. She didn't say a word as she was ready to kill any walker. "Noella, go." Hershel tells her.

"But daddy...."

"Noella, I'm not losing my daughter and grandchild. Go!"

Noella nodded as she ran, but stopped. "Carl!" she called out as she went looking for him. "Rick!" She saw the walkers and started shooting.

Maggie grabbed her sister. "Come on!"
Noella cried as she lost her childhood home, the love of her life, and her step son. Maggie hugged her sister crying as she knew the girl was hurt. Noella sighed as she hated all this was happening. She heard Glenn tell her sister that he loves Maggie making her smile. "Let's go find the others." Glenn tells the sisters. "Noella, are you okay?"

"Yeah." Was all she said as she looked out the window.
They made it back to the highway where Sophia went missing. Noella got out of the car causing Carl to cry. "Mom!" He says running to her.

Lori smiled as she stepped out, but he ran by her to Noella. "Oh my god." She said crying as she held Carl.

Rick walked over to Noella and kissed her. "I love you." He says. "I have never been so scared in my life."

Lucas was questioning the others after kissing Lori. Noella didn't say much as she stayed in Rick's arms with Carl between them. Rick got her in the car and they drove off to their next destination. Wherever that might be.
The came to a stop as they were low on gas. Noella still hasn't spoken as she leaned her head on her dad's shoulder. "I thought I lost you." She says. "You, Rick, and Carl."

"Rick and Lucas got me safe though."

Noella nodded as Rick sat down beside her. Rick decided to tell them after hearing Daryl bring up that Randall had no bit marks. "We're all infected."


Noella stood up and walked away so she wouldn't stress. Rick sighed as he stood up and walked over to her. "What happened out there with Shane?"

"He was going to kill me and Lucas. Carl shot Shane."

"Oh my god." She says. "What's next for us?"

Rick thought about what's next. He remembered from the moment he met Noella Greene that he knew he wanted her. First, he needs to find a place for them. "First, we will find shelter and then, I want to marry you."


"Noella Greene, will you marry me?"

Noella smiled. "Yes."

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