Twenty three

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Filler Chapter

Rick knew he had to go to his home town to get some things from the station he used to work at. Lucas said he will go. "Babe?" Looking away from her list, she smiled. "We are heading to my hometown to get things. We need weapons before we go meet up with the Governor." He tells her.

"Okay." She says kissing him. "Be careful and can you get some things while you are gone." He nodded. "Also, take Carl with you. He would like to spend some time with you."

"I will." He says kissing her then the twins. "I love you two and your mother."

"I love you." She tells him giving him a kiss. "Come back alive and I'll ask Maggie to watch the twins for a night. So that way, it can be just the two of us."

Rick smiled as he would like that. It's been awhile since the two got sometime together since the twins and all the drama with a new enemy."I'll be back. Promise."

Watching him leave, Noella saw her sister causing Maggie to walk in and hug her. She knows that right now, Rick Jr. and Selene needs her and so does Maggie.

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