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Noella smiled as her father was handed son crutches. She smiled as she walked with him. "I never thought I would see you on crutches, dad."

"You should be resting."

Noella gave him a look causing him to smile. She saw Carl who ran to her and kissed her stomach. "Want to race?"

Laughing, Noella smiled till she locked eyes with Rick. He smiled as he saw her. Then everything froze. "Walkers!" They heard Carl call out causing Beth to grab her sister.



They hurried into a shed causing Beth to block the door, but Noella, she was ready. "The baby's coming!" She cried out causing Hershel to go to his daughter and help her lay down.

"Noella, you need to pull your pants down."

Crying, Noella did what she was told causing Hershel to see the head. "Oh god, the baby is almost here."

"I can't have this baby without Rick!"

"Noella, you know what is happening out there. You need to start pushing or you and this baby will die." He tells her. "I know. Your mother tried this with you. Now, push!"

Noella cried as she started pushing.
Rick continued killing all the walkers outside till there were no more. Lucas looked at his friend as some of the walkers inside were taken care of. "Noella!"

Beth walked out with a two babies in her arms. Rick saw them. "She's asleep." She tells him. "She was trying to wait for you, but your little boy wasn't going to wait. And your little girl."

Rick looked at his twins and started crying. Carl walked out of the prison to see his father holding two babies.

Maggie saw Lucas who noticed one person was missing. "Where's Lori?"

He got his answer as soon as Maggie started crying. Rick stood up with the twins as Carl walked with him as he told him about killing Lori. "Dad, is mom okay?"

He walked into the room that held Noella to see her sound asleep. "She's going to be just fine."

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