Twenty one

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Waiting for Rick, Noella laid with the twins as the slept. She hopes her sister and best friend are safe. Carl looked at her and sighed as he was acting out and that was stressing his mother.

"Carl?" He looked at Sophia. "I think you need to think about your actions before you hurt them." She tells him. "Or worse. Get yourself killed."

"You don't know what you're talking about Sophia."

"Actually, she does." Noella says. "If you can't handle the truth then you're not ready to carry that gun." She stuck her hand out. "Hand it over. Now."

Carl put the gun in her hand before he walked away. Noella shook her head as she will have a talk with Rick about how Carl is acting.
Noella walked out with Rick Jr. as Carol carried Selene. They saw the others arriving causing Carol to hand Selene to her mom. Rick got out of the car causing him to run to Noella.

She smiled as he kissed her then the twins head. "I took Carl's gun."


"I don't like his attitude. We really need to talk about that."

"And we will. How long?"

"Just for today." Rick nodded. "We need to speak to him. I think he thinks he's the leader and knows better."

Rick sighed as he kissed her again. "Let's go."
Noella couldn't believe that Daryl left and that there will be war. She looked at her twins as a tear fell. She felt arms go around her causing her to cry. "It's okay."

"Maggie, I feel useless. I can't help anyone without the fear of someone harming my children." She says. "What do I do?"

Maggie smiled. "Continue being a mother and soon to be wife." She tells her. "You are amazing, Noella and one day, the twins will look up to you and tell you how amazing you are."

Noella smiled as Rick cleared his throat. She looked at him and smiled as he pulled her into a hug. He kissed her head. "Your sister is right. You're doing great." He tells her.

"With what you told me..."

"I know what I told you, but I will always keep you and our family safe. Promise."

Noella nodded as she knew he was right. He will keep them safe and that she is doing right by protecting their babies and what she has done to Carl. Tomorrow, will be his second chance, but if he does something that he shouldn't do, he will lose privilege to the carry a gun. Rick turned her around as Maggie left them. "What would I do without you?" She asked.

"I don't want to think about it." He tells her. "Life without you would have no meaning."

Noella went to say something when one of the twins started crying. Rick smiled as he grabbed his daughter causing Noella smiled as she watched him tend to the twins. For once, she realized, she had the right man. "I love you."

"I love you."

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