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Noella was talking to Glenn as she wasn't too far from home. Rick walked over to her and kissed her causing her to smile as she got in the car. Glenn smiled as his best friend found happiness. Carl looked between them and smiled as he needed to speak to his dad and ask him if he can start calling Noella mom.
Rick looked beside him as Noella was sound asleep. Rick grabbed her hand making her wake up. "Hey."

"What's your family like?"

"Their nice people. Dad is a veterinarian, my step mom is okay along with her two sons, my sister Maggie is a spite fire and I see her and Glenn together. Then there is Beth. My sweet sister who wants to help everyone."

"They sound wonderful."

"Yeah." Noella said.

"Can we meet them?" Carl asked.

Noella looked at him. "If we are going that way, which I hope so, then yes."

Rick smiled at her. "I promise."

Noella smiled till they came up on cars that just sat in the middle of the road. They followed Daryl till they heard something bust causing them to stop. Noella got out and looked at the cars. "I have a very bad feeling about this." She said.

"It's a graveyard."

Noella looked at Lori with a nod, but started searching. She smiled as she walked around, but sighed as she saw things on the ground. Children book bags, baby bottles, toys. Noella felt bad for them. She stopped at a car and smiled at what she found. Blankets, clothes, etc,. "Jackpot." She said as she started putting things together.

Glenn saw his best friend gathering things. She was walking back when Rick grabbed her. "Under the cars." He tells her.


He had her duck and bring her under the cars. He held her close as she looked to see Carl and Sophia under one car across from them. Rick covered Noella's mouth as they watched the walkers go by. Noella looked at Carl and Sophia with fear. She was hoping he would stay quiet. Both of them.

The moans and groans of the walkers had Noella wondering how many walkers were there. She did know one thing though. They were looking for food.

After what they thought was the last one, they heard a scream causing Rick to act fast and go after Sophia. "Rick!" Noella cried out as he went after Sophia.

"Lori, those two walkers are after my baby." Carol says.

"Dad!" Carl cried out as he hugged Noella.
Noella continued to look around till Carl walked over to her as he was hurt. "What's wrong?"

"Shane hates me and mom doesn't act like my mom anymore." He said. "Since dad left mom, she's not talk to me, but I found these."

Noella smiled as she looked at them. "How about this? You take these to Dale for safe keeping and I'll talk to your dad about letting you carry a knife."

"Thank you, Noella." He said as he walked away.

"What the hell?" Lori said. "I don't want my son with those..."

"You have been ignoring him since Rick left your cheating ass. That boy deserves protection." She said. "Rick will train him and you know it. Now back off."

Noella walked over to Carl to show him things that they would need when Rick came back. She listened to Carol blame Rick. She sighed as she knew he didn't mean to leave her causing her to walk over to Carol. "Carol, I have faith that Sophia is hiding. I know somewhere's in those woods is a cabin house. It's not too far from my home. She could have found it by now. Don't blame Rick."
Rick handed Noella a knife causing her to smile. "These aren't the kind of weapons we should be using."

"Yes it is." Noella said as walked over to them. "You don't think about what just happened. If you shoot a gun, they will hear it."

Rick walked over to Dale to tell him to watch Carl. "I"m going with you." Rick looked at Lori for the first time. "No." He said. "Noella. I want her to be my mom."

"Huh." She said as Glenn started to laugh. "You want me to be what?"

"I want you to be my mom."

Noella looked at Rick. "Sure, Carl." He said causing her to look at him with a look.

"I'd say he's in good hands." Dale says.

"Fine by me, but you are to not leave my side."

Carl nodded as Lori looked at Shane hurt that her own son chose Noella, her ex's girlfriend, to be his mom. Carl looked at Noella putting her back pack on as she heard Andrea and Dale. She shook her head as she looked at Rick.
Carl walked along side Noella upset because of Shane. She kissed his head making him smile. "Don't worry about him."


They stopped as they saw a tent. Noella stay with the others as she waited for a sign for them to move closer. First it was Carol then it was the rest after they found someone that wasn't Sophia. They heard church bells causing Noella to follow the bells. They came to a stop as they were had to find another way.
They showed up to the church. Noella ran with Rick hoping to find Sophia, but she knew the church. She wasn't too far from home. She pulled a knife out and gave it to Rick as Lori did the same to Shane. Noella watched as they killed the three kill remaining walkers. She sighed as she walked in with Rick and Carl.

Noella stood beside Rick as they listened to Carol. She shook her head at her confessions, but she has faith that Sophia is safe. Walking outside, Noella heard Rick say that he was going to continue to search and for them to go back to the highway. When Rick looked at her as Carl said he was going, she sighed. "Be careful."

"I will."

Rick walked over to her and kissed her as he handed her a gun. "No, you will need it more then me."

"I have a spare." Daryl said as he handed her the gun.
Noella walked with the others, but she didn't say anything as she listened to them. Andrea looked at Noella. "What?"

"I see you have a gun."

"Will you shut you damn mouth." She said as she looked at Carol. 'Rick is looking everywhere's for Sophia so stop with the dirty looks and stop blaming him." Noella sighed. "Rick acted fast and you know that. He went after her before anyone else could. He hasn't even stopped his search so please stop with the stares."

Nothing was said as they continued walking away.

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