Twenty two

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"I don't know how to feel about this." She says. "Daryl leaves us because of Merle. The man who didn't waste no time in searching for him like Daryl did."

"I know you don't like this, but Daryl made his decision, baby. Just like I do every day for you and our children." He says. "Noella, he will realize he made a mistake and come back."

Noella nodded as she looked at him. Wrapping her arms around him, Rick knew he wouldn't do that to her and their family. He kissed her causing her to smile as the kiss deepen. "Rick!" They heard Hershel causing Noella to groan. "I need you to talk to Lucas. He's not thinking straight and I'm trusting you and him with our family."

Rick nodded as he looked at Noella. "We will finish this later."

"Okay." She say kissing him. "I love you."

"I love you."
"Dad?" He looked at his oldest. "What is really going on with Lucas? I didn't hear anything, but then again, I was with Rick and the twins." She says. "Is he not acting like himself?"

"No. Whatever happened at Woodbury has him acting like a fool. He is my son and he is not thinking right. He is putting everyone in danger and who knows, the Governor may want revenge on the act." Hershel tells her. "Rick seems to be the only one who is thinking about this. He is the only one who is thinking about all of our safety not Lucas."

Noella sighed. "Between him and Carl, they haven't been the same since Lori died." She walked to the cell to see the twins sleeping.

Before she got to say anything, the sounds of shooting could be heard causing her and Hershel to shut the cell with the twins as they stayed in the cell together. Hershel sat down as Noella held her gun ready to defend her family.

Sorry it's short.

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