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Filler chapter
Noella looked at the new woman shocked. "Merle kidnapped my sister and my best friend. For what?"

"I don't know." She tells her as Lucas stood by his sister's side. "They told me how to get here." She handed the baby stuff. "They had these."

"There are three babies here. Two mine, one my brother's." She tells her. "I breast feed so that formula is yours." She looked at Lucas then Rick. "We need to get them back here safe. I would go..."

"You stay here with the twins and Judith." He tells her. "I will get my sister in law back."

Noella kissed him as she didn't want him doing this, but he was wanting to for her. She smiled as they pulled back. "Be careful, Rick. I love you."

"I love you." He says kissing her before leaving.

Lucas looked at Noella and smiled. "I will keep him safe." He tells her grabbing Michonne. "You are going to show us how to get to Woodbury."

Michonne nodded as they left. Carl hugged Noella as this was something the two wasn't wanting to happen, but for now, they have to stay put in hopes they don't lose their loved ones. Especially Noella.

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