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Being on a trip to get supplies meant to get them and head back, not get stuck inside a store because of a survivor rung the dinner bell. Noella heard Glenn on the walkie causing her to walk over to him. "Is he coming?"


Noella nodded as she watched Glenn get the door. She grabbed the cop and pushed him against the wall. "Thanks to you, we are trapped in this damn store." She said.

Rick looked up to see a new guy beautiful girl in front of him. She was beautiful. He thought of his wife and cleared his throat. "I'm sorry." He tells her. "I'm Rick."

Glenn grabbed his best friend and pulled her back. "Glenn and that is my best friend Noella."

Noella nodded at the cop until Andrea came pointing her gun causing her to grab the blonde. "Do you want to make it back to Amy alive?" She nodded. "Then stop pointing that gun at people when you don't have any practice."

Andrea rolled her eyes as she walked away. Noella looked back at Rick. "Thank you." He said.

"Why were you out there anyways?" She asked him.

"Well, I just woke up."  Rick tells her. "I'm hoping to find my wife and son."

"That's like me." She says. "I'm hoping to that my family is still alive."

Rick wondered how she came to the group, but before he could ask, they heard someone that had Noella rolling her eyes. "Is that Dixon?"

"Who else? Santa?"
They walked up to the top of the building, but Noella wasn't worried about Merle. She walked over to the other side of the building to come up with a plan. Rick handcuffed Merle to a pipe before going to Noella. "I think I found us a way back home, but how do we get those two vehicles."

"I know how."

Noella looked at Rick and nodded. She followed them back in as T-Dog was put in charge of Merle. Noella watched Rick and Glenn grab two walkers and pull them in. "Noella, start cutting."


"Using their insides disguises our scent as theirs." Rick tells her. "I need Glenn's help and I'll explain more on the plan."

Noella nodded as she took a knife and did exactly that. Trying her best not to gag at the smell of rotting insides. She looked at them as the had bags on. "Start putting their guts on us."

"Disgusting." Noella said as she walked over to Rick to help him as Andrea had Glenn. Noella moved back and looked at them. "Be careful and get those vehicles."

Rick nodded as he looked at Glenn. Noella watched as he opened the door as three of them walked out with guts on them. She crossed her fingers in hopes that they could get out of the store. She heard an alarm and watched as Glenn drove away. "Go get them." Noella tells Andrea as she ran to tell them that they were heading back to camp.

She saw the van and got in. "Their coming." She tells him as they got in. "Where's Merle?"

"I lost the key." T-dog said.

"Daryl is going to kill us." Was all Noella said as they left the city.

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