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Noella smiled as she woke up. She walked out till the smell of food hit her nose. She walked off and threw up as Lori grabbed her hair. "Let it all out." She said.

"Thank you."

"Come on."

Noella walked over to them and kissed Rick's head. "Should have woken me up."

"You looked peaceful."

Noella smiled as she grabbed some food. They heard Glenn and looked up at him. "So...so the barn is full of walkers."

"What?" Was the only thing Noella could say.
They went to the barn just for Shane to go to the door. Noella was very confused. She heard them talking about leaving, but Rick didn't want to leave. "We have Sophia..."

"I'm pregnant and this is my family." She said. "You can't say..."

Shane cut her off causing her to walk off. She didn't want to hear anymore of Shane's bull shit. Noella stopped and sighed as she put her hand on her stomach. "Come on." Maggie said. "You shouldn't be stressing..."

"Why does dad have a barn full of walkers and why the hell didn't any of you tell me?"


"I need some time alone." She says as she walked to hers and Rick's tent.

Maggie sighed as she knew she screwed up for not telling her sister anything. Especially now that she's pregnant.
Noella smiled let Lori spend time with Carl even though he won't call her mom. Lori saw Noella walking over to them. "Mom, I don't want to leave." He says as he looks at Noella. "This is your home and you're pregnant. Plus, I don't want to leave."

Noella smiled as she kissed Carl's head. "Let Lori continue teaching you. I'm hungry."
"Be careful." Noella tells him.

"I will." He said kissing her. "Just relax and not worry about it."

Noella nodded, but brought him back into a kiss. Rick smiled as he kissed her, but he had to talk to Hershel. "I'll be back soon. I'm going to try and get him to keep us here."

Noella nodded as she watched him walk away. What she didn't know is that Hershel wants her group gone, but not her. Noella will make it clear that wherever they go, she goes with Rick.
Noella heard everything her dad said making her walk away with Maggie. "I'm not staying." She tells her. "I came home because...I just wanted to come home to my dad and sisters. I was planning to stay till I fell in love with Rick."

Seeing Rick talking to Shane and how he looked shocked, she knew Shane discovered that it wasn't just her pregnant. "I think I can talk to him." Maggie tells him. "I don't want you to leave."

Noella looked at her smiling. "Thank you, Maggie, but what was dad thinking?"

"Come on. I'll tell you why he has a barn full of walkers." Maggie says. "After what almost happened to me, I know they aren't people like dad says. He believes their sick..."

"Their not sick, their dead and their walking." She said. "I'm so happy that Sophia wasn't bit."

"Come on." Maggie said. "Let's talk about something else. Like how did you meet Rick."

Noella started laughing at the memory as they walked away from the house.
The commotion outside had Noella wondering what's going on. "What's up?"

"Where's Rick, Noella?"

"Dad was the last person to speak to him." Noella said. "Dad wanted him for something and I don't know what it was about. Why?"

"We are wanting to know what is our next move is." Carol asked.

Noella went to say something when she heard growling and saw her dad and Rick with walkers. "Maggie...."


Noella watched as they started running. Noella ran down there too and stopped as she watched Shane shoot one of the walkers. She got to her dad and watched Shane lose his mind. Carl hugged Noella as they watched. Sophia buried her head as they watched all the walkers start coming out. Lori ran over to Noella as they watched them kill the people.

"Don't look." She tells Carl as they watched.

Maggie grabbed her sister's hand as they watched this happen. Noella listened to Rick and Lucas scream stop, but nothing wasn't happening. When the shooting stopped, Noella couldn't believe what she just witnessed. "Rick?" She said as she heard another growl.

They all looked to see a little girl causing Noella to gasp as she knew the girl. The same little girl that she used to watch. "Miley?" She said with tears in her eyes.

"Don't look."

Noella started crying as she watched the little girl she once knew walk out. Rick and Lucas shared a look causing Lucas to nod. "Noella." Lori said causing the girl to cry harder as Lucas killed Miley.

"No!" She screamed out as Rick went to her side.

Carl cried with Noella as a girl his and Sophia's age was a walker.  No one said a word. All that was heard was the cries of Noella, Carl, and Sophia.

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