Evelyn and Zack Lopez

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there ain't no gold in this river, that I've been washing my hands in forever

there ain't no gold in this river, that I've been washing my hands in forever

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Evelyn Rose Lopez
15 years old
Born on 24th December

Zack Martin Lopez15 years old Born on 24th December

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Zack Martin Lopez
15 years old
Born on 24th December

Evelyn and Zack grew up in Ackley Bridge with their Mum and older brother, Kyle. Unfortunately, after a short illness their Mum passed away last year which resulted in the twins missing a lot of school, meaning this year they will re-sit year 11.
Evie and Zack are usually left to fend for themselves throughout the year, as after their Mother's death, their older brother left to study at University in Manchester.
Not that they informed any teachers as they knew they'd end up in care.
What's in store for the troublesome twins when they start Ackley Bridge?

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This story will also contain some mature themes at times including, abuse, swearing, alcohol and drugs.

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