☆ | chapter 7 | ☆

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Go easy on me, I was still a child, didn't get the chance to feel the world around me

To Evie
Taking Nas to a gay club in Leeds tonight and you're coming with. No excuses!!!

"Oh that'll look good in Mr Qureshi's notebook. I feel so much better sir because I went out and got hammered again." Evie mumbled to herself as she read the text. "Fuck it, it's Friday."

She darted getting ready, curling her hair and putting on some makeup. Wearing a tight black mini dress, Evie looked through her shoes. Narrowing it down to silver heels and black converse, she eventually decided on converse.

You never know when you'll need to run from a perv was the thought that went through her head.

"Since when were you three friends?" She asked as she walked down the stairs to see Zack, Cory and Riz in her living room playing the PlayStation.

"Rugby." They replied eyes on the screen before pausing the game. Cory turned and wolf whistled at the girl causing Zack to hit him round the head.

"Where you off to?" He asked his sister.

"Out." She laughed, grabbing her black leather jacket and heading for the door.

"Evie wait!" Riz called following the girl.

"Im sorry, for what I said... I don't think you're easy... I was just trying to piss off your brother and Cory." He apologised sincerely.

"It's cool." She accepted the apology. "You're alright y'know... but your sister and Dad are twats."

"I can't argue with that." He chuckled and with that Evie left the house and made her way to Missy's to meet up with her and Nas.

"Is that what you're wearing?" Missy asked as Nas ran to meet her and Evie.

"Had to tell my Mum I was babysitting didn't I? I'll get changed at the station."

The girls laughed and ran to the train station getting a train to Leeds.

"See anyone you like?" Missy asked Nas as they were standing at the bar in the club.

"Her?" Evie asked pointing to a girl that Nas was looking at.

"I'll go!" Missy grinned going to speak to the girl.

"No Missy don't.." But she had already gone.

"She means well." Evie tried to reason, laughing.

"Straight. Here with a mate." Missy sighed, making her way back to the girls. "Oh I love this song, come dance!"

"I'm gonna go get some air." Nas forced a smile, before leaving, not feeling the same vibe her friends were.

Later on, Missy and Evie received a text from Nas saying she'd be staying at Lila's place.

"Lila?!" Missy exclaimed looking at Evie who didn't look so good.

"Missy I don't feel right." She slurred.

"Oh god." Missy whispered, taking her arm and leading her out of the club, dialling a number on her phone.

"Zack?" She called when there was an answer on the other end.

"Nah he's passed out." The voice of Cory Wilson replied. "What can I do for ya?"

"I need help, it's Evie, she can barely stand, she ain't even had that much to be honest"

"Text me where you are, me and Riz will get you there." He hung up.

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