☆ | chapter 10 | ☆

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there ain't no room for things to change
when we are both so deeply stuck in our ways

Evie was currently in English class with Miss Keane. She'd sat next to her brother, Missy hadn't been in school since Hayley was taken away.

"Since Missy isn't here, Chloe you can be our Juliet."

"Won't be able to do it justice in her absence." Chloe said, sarcasm lacing her voice cause Evie to roll her eyes.

"Jordan, you can be our Romeo." Miss Keane smiled. "Chloe, stand up on your seat."

The girl did as told and wrapped a scarf around her neck.

"Romeo, Romeo." She said in a northern accent, trying to imitate Missy. "Social workers have taken our Hayley and Nana Caplets kicked the bucket."

"That is out of order Miss!" Razia exclaimed.

"Oh you sick little bitch!" Evie shouted, getting up and charging towards Chloe who now looked scared.

"Outside, now!" Miss Keane said to her daughter through gritted teeth. "Evie, go for a walk, clear your head and calm down." She said, her tone now much calmer.

"Come on, we've got rugby training next, we can go early." Zack said, grabbing his stuff and leaving with his sister.

"She's such a cow." Evie sighed as they walked towards the PE department.

"I know, I know, but you just need to calm down a little." Zack chuckled.

Approaching the PE department, the twins heard people talking inside Mr Bell's office, they hid round the corner when they saw Sadiq leaving before they continued to walk through.

"Thought we had bad tempers sir." Zack grinned cheekily at his teacher who he'd just witness punch a wall.

Mr Bell turned to find the Lopez twins poking their heads into his office. He chuckled at their shocked faces.

"Go get changed the pair of ya!" He smiled shaking his head. "And keep your mouth's shut."

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Evie was now next to Mr Bell on the sidelines, watching as the boys trained for their upcoming rugby match.

"Yeno, there's healthier coping mechanisms than punching walls sir." Evie smirked at the teacher, mocking his and Mr Qureshi's intervention when they assumed she had an alcohol problem.

"I'm not surprised you spend so much time in isolation with that cheek." Mr Bell laughed.

Evie gasped in mock hurt.

"Why's he here anyway?" She narrowed her eyes at Sadiq.

"He said the same thing about you." Her teacher chuckled. "Says he can teach them more than we can."


"Language." Evie saluted and he smirked, despite agreeing with her, he knew he had to tell her off.

"This is rubbish!" Sadiq called when one of the guys didn't catch a pass.

"You're doing great lads, real team spirit." Mr Bell said.

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