DAY 24

868 21 3

A/N: I'm still alive 😅 And I'll probably say this everytime I post.


The sun is beaming into our room waking me up. I forgot to close the blackout curtains. Last night again was something.

Tell me how just having a fucking hand job and blow job from a sexy and beautiful woman can satisfy me enough?

That is usually never the case. I need multiple rounds of fucking to get me off, but her...just touching her skin...hearing her moan my name and getting off by only my's more than enough. Imagine when I actually get to...

I look over to the sleeping beauty and smile. She has some strands of hair covering her face, so I gently move the hair behind her ear.

You know, even just looking at her makes me feel warm inside. I know I don't show it to her too much, but she really makes me nervous. I just play it off by teasing her.

"Take a picture Manoban, it'll last longer." My mind refocuses on her and her gummy smile.

"Good morning." I sit up in bed and lean my head against the headboard.

"Good morning." She sits up and straddles me, but cuddles into my chest. This has actually become a normal morning routine.

Wake up. Usually it's me first.

I sit up and she straddles me to cuddle me.

"Happy Birthday Lili." She sits up and looks at me. I look at her confused. I never really said my birthday or did I?

"How did you-"

"Know? How can I not? And I looked it up last night. I remember us talking about it, but I was debating between the 26th and today...your birthday. I wanted to double check that I didn't forget." I actually didn't forget.

A/N: Pretend it is still Lisa's birthday 😅
Sorry readers. I know I am bad at updating.

"Thank you." She pecks my lips and I kiss her forehead after.

"Want to do anything in particular? I have plans for later, but I can always change them if you want to do something specific?"

"No...nothing particular. I usually get a briefcase of cash from father. Then I would go to the strip club with some friends if they aren't busy, but I have you now." I peck her lips and she blushes.

"We can still go to the club with your friends. My plans can change for tomorrow?"

"You are okay with us going to a strip club?Also what are we going to do tomorrow?"

"A strip club is fine I guess. If it is something you want to do. Or a regular club? I'd rather not have bitches grinding on you, shaking their asses and tits in front  of you. And answer to second question: Secret." I pretend to zip my lips and throw a pretend key away, then smile at her. She rolls her eyes.

"You know I hate surprises. Just tell me pwease?" She shakes her head no and I scoff.

"Fine." I pout then let her cuddle back onto my chest.

"How about you shake your ass and booby janes for me?"

"PABO." She laughs and kisses my neck.


After cuddling this morning, I called some of my friends to meet me for brunch, so we can discuss club plans. She wanted to go, but father called and needed to see her at the company real quick.

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