DAY 12

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A/N: Sorry for being MIA again. It was my birthday last Saturday and I decided to do something with family that week, and honestly I don't know where I'm going with both my stories right now, so it is taking a little longer to figure out what I want to write.

BUT...I hope you guys enjoy!



"Wait for me! I'm almost!"

"That was amazing. You're fucking amazing."

"'s because I'm the hottest okay?"


"I Uhh...I have to go...thanks for earlier..." I get up and put my clothes back on.

"You're really going leave already. I was hoping  to have more of you for breakfast." Is she pouting? Not cute. Only person that is cute when pouting is Nini.

FUCK. She's in my head again.

"Yeri...I really have to go. Thanks again."

"N. Yerin...Maybe sometime again?"

"Uhh...sure...maybe." Probably not.

It's ten in the morning. I couldn't sleep at all last night thinking about how I wanted to take Nini right then and there.

I left to my bar around 6am to grab a drink. Yeah I's the morning, but I needed it and it's 5pm somewhere in the world.

I ended up going back to some chick's place named Yerin who came into the bar early morning for I don't know what reason. I think she mentioned something about a stupid cheating dickhead or what not. I don't know.


I get back to the house and I see Nini on the couch. She rushes to be and hugs me.

"Where did you go?! I was worried...why did you leave so early this morning? Did something happen? Did you leave because of last night?Are your parents okay? Are we okay? Are you hurt?"

"Nini calm down...I Uhh...I couldn't sleep, so I went out for a few hours."

"Oh...I couldn't sleep either...Lisa about last night. We were drinking and...wait. What's that smell?"

"What smell?" I looked at her confused.

" had sex with someone? You smell like alcohol, sex and perfume that's not yours."

"Nini...I...I can explain..."

She lets go of me and steps back. She looks at me with a small smile.

"It's okay. I don't control your life or meddle with your sex life either. I know the rules remember? Thank you for not doing it with my presence around..."

I try to step closer to her but she steps back more.


"I...Uhh...I have to go get changed...I promised Jisoo Unnie that I would have brunch with her today." She rushes up the stairs.

Fuck. I messed up didn't I?

But we aren't really together.

That kiss last night was because of the wine right?

We said we are friends...

But I did say maybe one day we could be more.

Was last night that day? The day to be more?

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