Chapter 26

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Shigaraki locked himself in his room after putting Tori to bed. He schemed, planning the best, most gruesome and painful way to kill those Eto fuckers. He had the power to slaughter every single person who helped into hurting Tori, he was-

"Shigaraki? You haven't ate and I wanted to spend time with you." 

Shigaraki snapped his head up. How long was he planning? His stomach ached with hunger, he had been cooped up in his room for at least a day without even realizing, it had only felt like several hours. He was ashamed he wasted away more of Tori's time avoiding her, he needed to be with her as much as possible. He opened the door with haste, hoping he looked somewhat healthy and not like he had a whole day-or-two breakdown.

"I'm sorry Tori, let's go get something to eat, what do you feel like?" He asked, bending down to her eye level and giving her his big crooked smile.

"Well Spinner already has something ordered-" "No no I mean only us two, whatever you feel like and we'll go there. I'll make sure we don't get caught." Shigaraki interrupted Tori. Tori smiled pleasantly. "Well Toga did mention this thing called a cat cafe and it sounds really cool! I don't like coffee but we could get treats there, though that's not really a meal it sounds so fun." Shigaraki listened Tori ramble on about cat cafe's as they got ready to head out.
"Hey don't you have to use crutches or a wheelchair? You shouldn't be walking on your leg so much, Dabi says that's bad." Tori pointed out. "Ugh but that's such a pain to go travel around in!" He grumbled. Tori stopped in front of him. "We're not leaving until your butt is in a wheelchair! I'll push you around so you don't have to steer." Tori declared while Tomura shrunk back. "But-" "No butts! Wait here and I'll get your wheelchair from your room." Tori skipped off, not hearing another word from Shigaraki.

They headed out, it was weird going outside again with Shigaraki. It reminded her of old times. Though instead of walking or using Kurogiri's quirk, they rode in a nice car that a man Tori never met drove.

Tori went to hold Shigaraki's left hand when she gasped of shock. "When did you loose fingers! You're missing three!" She panicked. Shigaraki chuckled and patted her head. "Now you notice? Don't worry, it was from a fight not too long ago but I'm fine now. I can still even use my quirk!" Tori was still mortified, but glad Shigaraki didn't seem too down about it. She took his left hand and smiled. "Yeah, I guess that's good." She hugged his forearm, making Shigaraki giggle. "Stop it, that's weird! If you want to hug a hand I'll let you hold father." Shigaraki pulled the hand that is usually placed on his face from his pocket and gave it to Tori. Tori held it carefully, remembering that it was a real hand. "You sure? Isn't he really important?" Tori asked.

"Hmm, guess he was but he was also an asshole. You are more important to me, Tori Hana." He hadn't called Tori by her full name in a long time, it struck suspicion.

When they arrived to their destination, Shigaraki helped Tori get out of the car and Tori set up the wheelchair. "No way am I getting into that, plus I'm too heavy for you to push." Tomura refused omce more, but Tori puffed up her chest and dragged Tomura to the chair with stubbornness. Shigaraki remembered he was there to make Tori happy, not mad and sat down in the wheelchair.

"Don't even try pushing me, I'm able to move myself just fine." Shigaraki said before Tori could set her hands on the handles. They entered the cafe and Shigaraki felt eyes on him. Luckily, no one saw the scowl on his face.

Tori ordered a cinnamon roll and hot chocolate while Shigaraki ordered black coffee and a ham and cheese sandwich.

"When can we pet the cats?" Tori eagerly asked the cashier. "Ah, you have to pay to pet them. It is eleven hundred yen for an hour." They answered with a smile. Shigaraki frowned. "You have to pay to pet the cats?" He said, but reluctantly pulled out cash and payed for two hours anyways. "Great! You can head to that room over there and we'll come for you when your order is ready. There is no eating around the cats so you'll have to eat at the table out here." The cashier explained.

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