See the world for what it is

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On the Black's dinner table, Mr Black is sitting at the head of the table. With Alice on his left hand side and Amy on his right. Allyson is seated next to Alice and Colt is infront of her, Alyster is straight opposite to me.

The quads have split themselves in half, each on one side. Till Ariana who is seated directly opposite to her father.

Annabelle says grace while we all hold hands. After the prayer, Allyson squeezes my hand before she lets go.

"So Annie, I have big news for you." Mr Black breaks the comfortable silence.

Annabelle looks up from her meal.

"I found a new planner who is willing to work under pressure.  He says that he likes to be challenged and wants to plan this wedding." He tells her. The most beautiful smile spreads across Annabelle's face as he says so.

Alice reaches out and caresses his hand. Their love is one I'd love to have one day.

When I turn my head, I find Alyster staring at me. Mindless chatter fills the atmosphere among the siblings. And one of the siblings with their boyfriend.

I nibble on the chicken, while watching my plate of vegetables and biryani carefully. I can feel his eyes on me the entire time. I just stubbornly refuse to look up at him.

"Gemma, you're awfully quiet. " Alice points out as the older female siblings head out to bring the dessert and take the younger ones to the other room for some screen time and snacks.

"Oh, just having alot on my mind. That's all." I tell her. She smiles, a sly smile.

"Is it about that bad boy Allyson has been talking about." She asks, with an excited smile on his face.

Mr Black looks quite uncomfortable,  the way he always does when they talk about Colt. Or even Danny.  In a way I'm part of this family. He's acting just like my dad.

"Mom." Allyson scolds. She sends an apologetic look my way.

I dont look at him, but I already know his eyes are on me. It's because the side of my face is burning right now.

Amy sets a bowl of ice cream and a heavily chocolated- if that makes sense- brownie infront of me.

And we dig in yet again in comfortable silence.

Right after dinner, I help the girls clear the table and I send my goodbyes.

When I reach the front door, I remember that I left my purse in Alyster's room.

He was outside with his brothers the last time I checked which was five minutes ago, I guess he'd still be there.

I open the door and find him on his laptop, he's not typing anything he's just staring blankly at the black screen.

My heart beats rapidly in my chest.

"Bad boy?" He asks, not even looking up at me.

"Look Allyson is just jumping to conclusions,  Jeremy and I are not dating." I tell him.

"So what is it then?" He yells, his eyes look glossy. I flinch.

"We're just friends, we attend the same school Alyster!" I yell in his face.

"That is not true Gem I see it in your eyes!" He yells back.

"Whatever you want to believe Alyster." I say softly.

"Hold on, I'm not just going to let that slip. " he grabs my wrist before I can walk out.

"You are going to let it slip. You have no choice or say about the happenings in my life. You are going to let it slip the way I let it slip when I heard about Willow!" I yell back at him.

"That's not the same!" He yells at the top of his lungs.

At this point his entire family might be at the other side of the door listening to the fight happening in here.

"It is! What's the difference Al? I'm not allowed to have friends? For fucks sake Alyster you are inlove with Willow! You have no right to throw a childish fuss at the fact that I made a new friend!" I yell at him.

"That is not fair!" He yells. "I wanted you to tell me, I didnt want to hear it from my mother." His eyes tear up.

"And did I hear about Willow from you?" I ask. He looks defeated.

"I didn't think so. Alyster you went and fell inlove, while I made friends with someone everyone else treats like an outcast! I never broke our bond you did! And now, I'm gonna be the one I choose this time not you!

Because I could've had something with Jeremy. But I constantly chose you. And I-" I begin. But am cut off by him reuniting our lips. It tastes salty from both our tears but it holds every emotion we had thrown in the air.

When he let's me go, I wipe my tears grab my purse and I walk out of his room. The hallway is vacant. When I walk the stairs I'm sent a sympathetic smile from Alice, if anything she heard the arguement. And she knows that she's the cause.

"Gemma." She tries but I walk out the door and am hit by the breeze of the night. I walk home silently.  Going through my thoughts.

It hasn't even registered to me that Allyson might have heard our arguement.

I walk quietly into the mini apartment and I close the door. I fish for my phone and I find a message from Allyson.

Ally: Hey Gem just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about the slap. It was uncalled for. And also I wont be coming home tonight , I'm heading to the frat with Colt. If my mom calls tell her I'm there. Thanks bestie ; )

I smile to myself as I reply.

Me: It's okay,  maybe I deserved it. I'll be sure to do so : )

And now to try and Netflix all on my own.

A knock sounds on my door.

Ugh, just when I wanted to relax. I strut all the way to the door.

When I open, my heart almost melts.

"Jeremy?" I say, falling into his embrace.

Well it was more of a question than a statement. He kisses my temple.

We walk into the house and for the rest of the night we watch movies on Netflix.  I feel so safe in his arms.

He doesnt speak, it's as if he senses that I don't want to talk. He just cuddles with me and watches the movies with me.

Here and there he leaves kisses on my head . This happens until I finally fall asleep.

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