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A knock on my bedroom wakes me up. I jump a bit then pad my naked feet towards the door.

"Gemima." Jeremy says.

"Hi. Jer, how can I help you?" I ask , trying to adjust my impaired vision.

"You didn't come in with Ethan. Where is he?" He asks. I turn around and glance at the clock. Its six in the morning.

Why the hell would he wake up this early to ask that. Is he out of his mind?

"Why would you wake up so early just to bombard me with questions?" I ask. Feeling a bit annoyed that he woke me up.

"Answer my question." He says throughout gritted teeth.

"I thought you said you arent going to Express anger anymore around me? That changed over the weekend?" I ask him. Walking downstairs.

I turn on the coffee machine and brew some coffee.

"Gemima if you want me to be civil with you answer my question." He grits out.

"Hes with the Blacks." I say. Rampaging in the fridge to find bacon and cheese.

"Why is he there? And why didnt you tell me?" He asks. Leaning too close for my liking.

There is a fading stench of alcohol fanning in his breath.

"I took him there to live for only a while. Until we get... this back in order. I didnt tell you because you always react like this." I tell him.

"He is my son too. I have the right to know Gemima. And why the hell would he be at the Blacks? What do we need to get back in order? What the fuck is going on in that head of yours?" He says. Pointing at my head.

"Listen here Jeremy, I dont know what the hell is wrong with you but I will not tolerate it in my own home okay?

We need to get our love life in order, our finances and you together and in order. " I tell him.

"Here we go again! Why do you keep on nagging me about getting a job? Huh! I'm trying! Acknowledge that I'm trying!" He yells. Spit showering my face.

"Its six in the morning Jeremy. Stop yelling. " I scold.

"Why the fuck do you keep nagging me about a job Goddamnit!" He yells. Punching the island.

"Because that is what you promised me! You took me from my home in West Virginia and you promised me a good life! Where youd take care of our son and I! How I'd never work a day in my life! You! You promised that, I never forced you to!

And now? I dont want non of that! I want you ro be able to feed our son! My job is not enough you asshole! I can not be working such a peanut paying job and you doing nothing while having qualifications!

No! Get off your ass and work Jeremy! Work! I am tired! I come home and I have to do all this stuff and at work I have to do all this stuff! On top of that! I have to take care of two kids! A baby and a grown ass man!" I yell in his face.

I throw the plate that was in my hands on the floor. It shatters.

"I'm tired goddamned it! Get a fucking job or I will leave you! I will leave your drunk ass and I will never come back! And you will never see Ethan ever again! Get a job!" I say to him as I push past him.

He pulls me by my arm and pushes me against the wall.

"This is the first and last time you talk to me like that okay?" He asks. His voice deep and scary.

"No! I am tired of you Jeremy. I am tired! Let me go you prick!" I push.

He punches my stomach and my world comes crushing down. All the adrenaline that was in my system turns to mush. He slaps me, once , twice, thrice. I look at me.

He pushes me forward then he kicks my back. I land on my knees on the ground.

The he hits the back of my head with his knee. He tries to go in for another kick. But I stand up and I run. I run all the way upstairs and to my bed room. I can hear his footsteps faintly coming my room's way but I run. I lock the door.

He knocks loudly.

"Open the fucking door you whore!" He yells.

I cover my ears. Shiver run over my skin as I weep. I grab an over night bag and I push my work clothing inside. He begins kicking the door and mumbling insults.

I open the window. There is a great distance between the window and ground.

I look back and kicks again. The door lock loosens.

And I close my eyes. With the overnight bag fastened against my body, I jump.

My gut climbs up to my throat.

And then my shoulder hits the ground.

The door finally gives up and he bust inside.

Then I run. I run bare footed down the street and to Tyler's house. He lives just down my street. He doesn't come out much but I know he is still home.

I knock frantically.

He opens the door and shock overs my eyes. He sees the fear that covers my face and he let's me in.

"Can I shower here?" I ask him . He looks like he wants to ask questions. "Please" I whisper.  Tears brimming my eyes and threatening to have me weeping.

I run up the stairs and I shower. Jeremy doesnt know that Tyler lives here. But my mind keeps telling me that he'll find me.

As I dress up, I hear a faint knock on the door. My heart beats at a faster pace.

I open the door and Tyler looks at me with concern on his face.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm going to work. I actually wanted to know if I should leave you hear?" He asks.

"Uhh, no can I have a ride to work please?" I ask him. He smiles and nods.

When we get to his coffee shop – yes he owns it – I buy a drink and muffin for Arraine and I walk down the road to the offices.

Its seven thirty. When I walk in, I realise that not many people are at work yet. I do see alot of camera men and women.  Must be photoshoot day today.

I put the refreshment and muffin on Arraine's desk.

"Please have a sit." She says.

I do as she said. My heart is beating at a fast rate.  She never asks me to sit. What could I have done?

"Gigi Gonzales, does that name ring a bell?" She asks.

"Yes,  she was part of the pageant for Miss Universe and she is the first in line. She was here for a photoshoot a week ago." I tell her.

"Accurate. This is the article written on her." She passes the papers towards me.

I get more nervous. Oh no, she knows.

"Its a good one. I read it." I tell her.

"You mean wrote it." She says, looking at me dead in the eye.

"No Melis–" I start but she cuts me off.

"Look, I read the article and I was heavily impressed. I called Melissa in time speak to her about a promotion but she told me that you wrote the article for her because she was not feeling well." She says.

"I wrote it. I'm sorry for not being honest ma'am" I apologize. Bowing my head. Waiting for yet another punch to the gut, figuratively this time.

"I want you to be one of our journalists.  This piece..." she waves the article" this is amazing." She tells me.

I break into a smile. A promotion?

"You'll work as my assistant – because you're an expert at that – and also be a journalist. You'll get paid for both of your labour. So I think you'll make alot of money." She says.

Money? I need the money.

"I'll take it. Thank you so much ma'am" I tell her.

"Mrs Smith will show you to your office." She says to me.

I even have a new office this is really exciting!

It's not that bad of a day I guess.

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