Smarter Than You Thought

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After Willow's rude comment, Nate has been holding my hand and caressing it with his thumb.  Its surprisingly calming me.

She pissed me off. But I had to collect myself before I did anything that I'd regret.

"Ladies and Gentlemen it is my privilege and pleasure to welcome you to the first ever conference meeting of our new hotel. Take a seat." Nate tells the men and women in the room.

His voice demands so much attention.

I'm seating next to him . He is the head of the table and I'm on his right hand. Al is infront of me and Willow is next to him. Then a few older people I dont know.

But the room is full of men. Willow and I are the only women.

We quickly jump into business. Well actually them, I'm just quiet and listening to  them speak.

I realise that these people are really business minded.

Willow was right,  I dont belong here. I should be in Manhattan trying to fix Jeremy. Because I broke him.

I just sit quietly like a good girl. Scared that if I speak I'll be told to shut up or that I'd say something wrong and look stupid.

Willow is the one speaking now.

"Another flaw we've seen in the business already is that there is minimum supply. And yes I know that they say quality over quantity but the apartments at an accelerating speed.

We have to have a little more than the demand. Everyone want to have one so you wont have to worry about making loses. " she says.

"That wont work." The words slip.

"Why do you say that?" Nate asks .

I shake my head. A smirk plays on Willow's face.

"I thought so. It's only smart we go with my plan." She says.

"Actually no. It's not." I hear myself say.

Her eyebrow raises, challenging me.

"I think that it's good that the quantity is still low.

People want what others cant have. And right now, people want apartments by thee Nathan Meyer. It's not something everyone has. Which is why we have so much profit.

Let me put it this way, when there is little up for grabs people go crazy. I say we exploit that. They'll be willing to put in any price.

In that way we get back up to five times if not six of what we put in. I don't know about the rest of you but that sounds like a win for me." I say.

I realise that everyone has been listening.

They all stand and clap. So does Nate. Everyone except Willow.

"I say we go with the pretty lady's idea." An older man says.

"I agree with Mr Lennox. " Nathan says.

"Well , I'd say three hours of a conference has been enough and well. Let's call it a day.  Some of us have a long ride." He says looking down at me.

They all up and shake his hand.

A short old man approaches Nate and I.

"Ahh, if it isn't my best friend's son. How is it going Nathan?" Asks the round man.

"Its going well Mr Rickell." He says.

"This is Gemima." He says pointing at me. The old man nods slowly. Taking my clothes off with his eyes.

He out reaches his hand but I just look at it. He chuckles and so does Nate.

Something about this man feels wrong.

"Well, your father was right. We have to leave these women alone." He says before saying his goodbyes to Nathan.

"Whyd you do that?" He asks.

"I dont like the way he looks at me." I simply say.

Al walks over to us. He is alone,  no Willow and no bad energy.

"Hi Gemmie. You look absolutely stunning." He says.

"Thank you." I say uncomfortably.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you. And I knew you still had the smarts. As a brother of course." He says chuckling.

I chuckle as well but it's just because I am uncomfortable.

Then he leaves.

It's time to drive back home.  Its about six when we leave.

"Why do you like Skittles?" Nathan asks.

"I dont know. I just picked up eating them when I got pregnant. They were my comfort food. Fun fact,I only eat them when I miss Ethan." I tell him.

"Well then let me have some of those because I miss my best friend." He says.

I smile at the thought. He says my son is his best friend.

"Why is it  called a sports car if it doesnt go fast?" I ask.

He looks around at the street and sees that the isn't any other car there.

"Then fast we shall go my lady." He says.

And the car zooms on, my heart accelerates as well. I realise I've never laughed like this in my entire life.

We park by the hotel and we walk in. He gets wine and we light candles in the room. 

"I'm going to take a shower." I tell him.

"Yea, me too." He says.

And so I do. I walk into the shower, and my body relaxes under the warmth of the water.

I wash my body and immediately happiness and calm spreads over me.

I walk back out into the great room and I find Nathan seated on the couch flipping through a few records.

He finds one that satisfies him and he nods to himself. He turn the record on. Leon Bridges , Beyond.

"I need your help." I tell him.

He pats the seat next to him.

He helps me plait pigtails . I hear him singing the song .

"Scared to death that you might be it, that the love is real , that the shoe might fit..." he mumbles.

"These look good. " he says.

I smile to myself. Knowing that it's far from the truth.

"I'm almost done." He says.

And he lets it go. He pats my head before he stands .

"You look good Gem." He says. He smiles.

He walks me to the mirror and shows me his work.

"Oh my gosh Nate." I chuckle.

What has this man done to my hair. I look scary. 

"You like it?" He asks smiling.

"Nate... yes." I say smiling. I look funny,  but he is so proud of it that I can't tell him how funny this is.

"You know this is why I've always wanted a daughter. I want to do her hair and play princess with her." He says. Drinking more wine.

"That's so cute." I tell him.

We drink on and he tells me stories about his dad.

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