chapter 10

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In the evening, Richard went to the Agric garden close to his dorm and sat there. He brought out his laptop and put on his headphones. He laughed as he watched some funny videos online. He was happily enjoying alone. When he looked up, he unexpectedly caught Rebecca looking at him. 

She quickly looked away nervously. She was walking with her little brother with his little hand in hers. She wore a red shirt and a pair of black jeans. Richard wanted to stand up and meet her, but something stopped him. After she walked to a certain point further away, she still turned and looked at him. She looked extremely beautiful but Richard tried to put all thoughts away other than her being the girl he taught.

He continued watching his videos until the place became completely dark. He stood up and went to his room and took some snacks before leaving for his night studies. He went to one of the theaters and sat there alone. He brought out his books and his laptop. He turned it on and started downloading some items before he would start going through his book.


Meanwhile, Janet was with her childhood friend who was in her third year studying mechanical engineering. Janet had been with her for the past 3 hours talking and laughing in her room.

"I have to go to our department, we have a class organized by the students of our department," said Janet 's friend as she stood.

"Oh come on Riskat, why can't you just relax for today?" Janet said, trying to persuade her friend from going.

"I have to go, we are having a test tomorrow. And the lecturer is completely crazy," Riskat said.

She was a tall and dark in complexion.

"Really? Do you mean you are going to leave me here alone?" Janet asked, pretending to be sad. 

"Okay, you can come with me," Riskat assured. 

"Alright, but I hope the boys in your department are not weird because boys in this school can act crazy," Janet said. 

"Well, I can assure you that they are not as crazy as the boys in your department," Riskat laughed.

"What? There have been two boys stalking me since the first day I came to this school, and they are from your department," Janet stated.

"Are you going to follow me or are you going to sit there and keep talking?" Riskat asked as she walked out of her room. Janet stood up and ran after her.

They walked for about fifteen minutes before arriving at the department of mechanical engineering. When they arrived, Riskat discovered that the class had already started in a small lecture theater. They quickly entered and sat in the middle because the front seats were already occupied. The class was carried out by three of the best students of the department.

"Are they lecturers of this department?" Janet whispered in Riskat's ear.

"No, don't be silly.  They are just final year students," Riskat whispered back.

Riskat brought out her book and wrote down what was written on the board, while Janet only watched what was going on. One of the boys was looking at her and that started to make her feel uncomfortable. 

At some point, she wanted to get up and leave the hall.

But remembering the fact that she came with her friend made her change her mind.

About an hour later, the tutor came across a problem he couldn't solve. He invited the rest of mates to give it a try, but they were all unable to solve it. 

"I know of someone who can solve this," Janet said jokingly, and the whole students turned and looked at her.

"Oh really? And who is that person?" asked one of the tutors.

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