Karen :D

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LOADING: Sticky_

"Is the camera on?"

"Yes it is, Mr. Parker."

"So cool! Can't believe Mr. Stark let me borrow all this tech. Now I can really test this stuff out." As Peter positioned the recording equipment, he took a step back to admire his work.

He had decided to follow Tony's advice and try practicing out his 'spider' powers. Since it was against the law to openly use powers in public, Peter decided to try out the spider powers after his regular training.

Unfortunately, Tony was a busy man, and he couldn't stick around. But he had left Peter an artificial program to watch him. The AI was inside an old Iron Man suit, so it was hard not to see the silver-clad humanoid as Iron Man. "So, what's your name?"

"I don't have one. My designation is K84N. I am the third artificial AI designed by Tony Stark. My purpose is to be a medical adviser. In case you are harmed, I am tend to your injuries, in the case you're injured.

"Okay. So, K8...4...are you sure you don't have another name? One that rolls off the tongue?"


"What if I called you Karen?"

"I do not see how the name hinders my capabilities,"

"Got it. So, Karen, are all sensors on?"

"Energy detection, on. Radar detection, on. Electromagnetic sensors, on. All systems operational."

"Okay. First, I'm going to figure out how I stuck to the wall." Slowly, Peter placed his right palm on the wall. He kept it there until he felt like the wall was pulling at his hand. He moved back, and found his arm stuck to the wall. "What are you getting Karen?"

"Sensors indicate a difference in charge between your hand and the wall, resulting in a magnetic-like tug."

"Really?" Peter stared at his hand. "Where is the energy coming from?"

"Your body."

"Huh. Maybe that's One For All. Or my body's normal energy. Whatever it is, it's tiring." Peter yawned. He tried to pull his hand away from the wall. It didn't budge. "Um, Karen?"

"Yes Peter,"

"Can you watch what happens when I do this?" Peter pulled his hands off the wall again, but this time he started with the bottom of his palm, and pulled his fingers off last. "What happened there?'

"The charge difference in your body dissipated. Query, why did you take it off like that?"

"Because that's how other animals do it. Like Geckos."

"That cannot be the case. Gecko's do not use charge differences to stick to walls. May I make a suggestion?"


"You may be experiencing something similar to a placebo effect."

"Placebo effect?"

"A word attributed to when a doctor give the illusion that a certain treatment will cure their patient of an illness. Yet, despite medical evidence saying no, the patient's belief of the medicine's curative properties is enough to heal the patient.

"So you're saying that because I think my hands act like a Gecko's they act like a Gecko's hands?"


"Alright," Peter placed hand onto the wall again. He felt his hand stick to the wall. Okay, let's try this again. Peter closed his eyes. My hands are not sticky, my hands are not sticky. Slowly, Peter normally pulled his hand away from the wall. He opened his eyes. It worked! He did a victory dance. "Record and end video, Karen!"

Sticky_ END.


"Alright. Karen, I know this sounds stupid, but what if I gained some of the physical aspects of a spider? Like, extra hair!" Peter opened his shirt excitedly. "Nope. Just my three little chest hairs..."

"Correction. There only 2 hair strands on your body."

No there are not! If you look really close." He sulked. "Never mind. But there could be other changes my body has gone through. I wonder..."


"No! What about..." He made a finger-gun. "Pew?"

"Query. Why are you shooting me?"

"I thought I could shoot silk. You know, like real spiders."

"Spider's do not shoot their silk out of their appendages. They shoot it out of their abdomen and, in some cases, mouths. In human terms, this would be your mouth and your bu-"

"I've already checked!" Peter cried, "The toilet was clean. Nothing weird about it. But I haven't tried my mouth yet." He aimed his mouth at the nearby door. He opened his mouth. "Gah?" He sighed. "Well nothing. Still, I feel like there is something in my throat." An idea came to him. "Karen! Try to scare me."

"Query. Why?"

"It worked for my spider-crawling abilities."

"Affirmative." Karen lumbered over to Peter, her foot shaking the very Earth. She loomed over him. "Boo."

"Wow. Good try Karen," Peter rubbed his head. "but it needs to be something unexpected."

Behind him, Tony Stark entered the room. He carried several bags of candy. "Hey kid, I got some extra time before my next meeting. I even managed to get some candy from this dumb costume contest."

"Oh, hey mister...." A flaming inferno had replaced Tony's head. Peter screamed and a sheet of web hit Tony square on the face.

"Kid. That was just my helmet changing its hologram. Nice aim, though."

"T-then why am I s-still shaking?" He stammered.


LOADING: Spidey_

"So. Karen, can I ask you a question?"


"Do you think it's possible to make Web-guns? I mean, I remember a formula my Dad made for spider silk. Or at least what it was made out of. He could never replicate it. maybe my DNA could solve it."

"Query. Your Blood?"

Peter shook his head. "I was thinking more along the lines of spit. Maybe I can build something at 's lab? I'll think about it later. I'm already off topic." Peter positioned himself in front of a tennis-ball shooter. "We're testing my reflexes."

"Correction: You are testing your 'spidey senses.'"

"It sounded a lot better in my head," He groaned, "but yeah. My eyesight is better than ever before, and I've got this ringing feeling my head. If I could figure out how to use the two together, maybe I'll be able to dodge anything that comes my way!" He pointed at Karen. "Hit me!"

Karen fired a ball at Peter's nose. "Owowowowowowwo. I meant it as a metaphor."

"On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your pain?" Karen asked.

He shook his head. "I'm fine. Still, I saw the ball coming, and my 'Spidey sense' felt it! It's just that I couldn't react fast enough."

"Query: You could see the ball, but were too slow to move?"

He nodded. "I think it's something I need to improve. On the bright side, at least my Spider sense doesn't react to everything. Then I'd have a migraine."

"Query: Is your 'Spider sense' a release of energy?"

"Maybe? What about it?"

"While the ball traveled to your nose, my sensors detect that it interfered with an electrical field of sorts; possibly your Spidey sense. That would make it similar radar."

"Hmm..." Peter turned his back to Karen. "Try shooting me now." A ball hit Peter in the neck. "Y-yup, I felt it coming,"

Apologies for the grammar errors, writing this from the ER as I have a few hours free for the first time in forever :)
My friend accidentally walked into a glass door
She'll be fine, she just has no brain cells 

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