Chapter 3

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One week has passed since I had the test for the new job and still, I haven't received any news. My hopes are fainting, and I start to believe that they have already taken someone else. I checked again on the website, and I found the advertisement but has not been withdrawn yet and this gives me a slight string of faith that I still have a chance.

But the most bizarre thing is that since I went for the new job, and bumped into Vittorio, I see him in front of me almost every day. It feels like I was crossing paths with him all this time and after that day I am able to notice him. It's strange but I would not complain, he's a very nice sight for my eyes. Although from afar, we exchange a nod, acknowledging each other's presence. And each time I feel my face flushing bright red.

After our encounter at my current work, I was trying to find out what he was doing there but I had no idea that I'll meet him soon again. One morning - about three days ago - I was passing from a fancy neighbourhood, with very old buildings excellently preserved on both sides of the road, small parks here and there, as the entire road had come from a time lost in the past when the aristocracy was at its tops.

As I was waiting for the traffic light to turn green, I was browsing the houses' exterior frames when I spot Vittorio coming out of a house heading to the side where the parking of the house was located. He took the key control from his suit pocket and the lights of a black Range Rover flashed twice deactivating the alarm.

I was completely lost in my thoughts when the sound of a horn from the car behind me brought me back to my senses. I instinctively turned my head back to the road and start up the engine. He must be really into the money to live in a place like this, I thought.

I decided to depart at approximately the same time from home the very next day, in hope that I'll see him again when he exited his house. However, this did not happen as the car he entered the day before was not in the parking. Shit, he has already left. I said under my breath. I was feeling a bit disappointed throughout the day at work as more trouble clients were assigned to me and there was not any sign of him to brighter my mood in the slightest. I could feel a strange tension inside me each time we met, no matter how intimidating his looks might be.

When I finished work in the afternoon, I decided to go get a coffee from the coffee shop a bit further down the road and spend some time at the park next to it to clear my thoughts and get some fresh air. As I was sitting on a bench looking around at the people walking by, I have again that feeling that someone was watching me. I spot a black sports car from the corner of my eye, its engine roaring, although it was not moving. I turn to find Vittorio, looking at me with those beautiful eyes of his and a smirk on his face. Before I can react, the car engine roars once more, and he disappears from sight.

This kept going for the rest of the week. Apart from that, I'm spending most of my non-working time, speaking with my mum on the phone and looking for other options in case I don't get the job. Sometimes, Mrs Collins' or her cat is coming to keep me company. I've made some acquaintances with some people from work but none of them could I call close friends of mine.

At least I had good news from mum, the doctors said that what they had spotted on my mum's exams was at a very early stage and it would only need a small operation to remove it but there was no fear. Also, my cousin Dante was in Greece for vacation, and he offered to extend his absence from work to be with my mum on her operation day. I was begging her to go as well but she wouldn't listen. I hate it when she gets so stubborn.

"Maybe your presence here will stress her more," Dante told me one day we were speaking on the phone. "Right now, she looks fine, but I can feel she's stressed a bit. She also told me that if you will be here too will make her think that the operation is more serious than what she thought, and her mental status may have consequences before she enters the operating theatre."

"Really? I cannot read this woman." I said, letting out a sigh. "Okay, I won't come, but I want you to tell me exactly what's going on there. And if anything happens, no matter what time it is, call me."

"I give you my word." He said calmly. Thankfully, he is a man of his word.

Dante and I were raised together after his parents died along with my father in a terrible accident when we were around the age of seven. My mother sold everything in England and moved to Crete where we spend our days until we leave home for studies. Dante went to Italy to find the heritage of our fathers. They had some vineyards and started a business there making his own production of wine, while I came back to England and after completing my studies, I found this job and decided to stay. So, I could rely on Dante's words. I know he will keep it.

I was feeling bad that she didn't want me there next to her but if my absence will give her reassurance about the severity of this operation then I have to stay behind. The fact that Dante is with her makes the guilt feel a bit better to handle.

Another week passed and still I have no news. I went to a couple of interviews from other advertisements I found online but I was turned down as I was overqualified for the position they were looking for. I could feel everything going on pause as my mum's operation was programmed for this Friday. I stopped also crossing paths with Vittorio. I had to see him for almost a week.


It is Thursday afternoon when my phone starts ringing, the second I enter my car to go back home. I take the phone from my bag; the caller is not someone saved on my contact list.

"Hello?" I say hesitantly.

"Miss Ravenwood, I'm Amanda, Mr Conti's P.A. I'm calling to inform you that you have successfully passed the first phase of our candidate selection process and Mr Conti would like a meeting with you before we proceed further. Is Friday noon convenient?"

"Yes," I say without a second thought.

"Very good. I'll send you the location within the day. Goodbye, miss Ravenwood."

I hang up the phone and stare at the stirring wheel in front of me. Have I serious chances of getting the job? This will solve many problems. I will be able to stay in the apartment now that the administration committee has increased the rents, I will be able to send some money to my mum and I will get the chance to evolve my professional career and get away from the depression and stability that were slowly haunting me. I feel a faint smile forming on my face although I don't want to get overexcited and then crash harshly to the ground. I turn on the engine and drive away, humming on the way home.

After a quick stop at the grocery store, I finally arrive home. I get out of the car and take the shopping bags from the back seats. As I enter the building, I find Mrs Collins sitting in her usual chair with a magazine in front of her face, probably reading the latest gossip.

"Hello, Mrs Collins." I greet her closing the main entrance door behind me.

"Hello dear." She replies taking the magazine down so her smile can be shown. "How was your day? Anything interesting?"

"I think I got a new job. Well, I have some serious chances..."

"Oh, really? Congratulations!" she says with a warm smile. "That deserves celebrating."

"You know me, Mrs Collins, I'm not a party animal," I reply letting a soft laugh. "How was your day? Anything interesting?" I point to the magazine she holds.

"Nothing apart from the new girlfriend of our celebrity Mr Conti. That man is changing girl almost every week!"

The name instantly rings a bell inside my head. "Who?" I ask.

"Don't you know him? He's all over the news. Don't you watch TV?" she says looking at me with a puzzled expression on her face.

"I watch only movies and series. And I read the financial news."

"Here. Have a look." She extends her hand with the magazine towards me.

I get the magazine in my hands, and I feel frozen in place as time stops. On the front cover of it, there is a big picture of a tall brunette that appears to be a famous actress - according to the commentary below the photograph - walking hand in hand with Vittorio.

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