Chapter 30

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After some effort and lots of help from Vittorio, we arrive at the bottom step. I had a mixture of excitement about what would be the surprise he was holding for me, but also fear that I will probably trip fall over the stairs.

Vittorio had made sure that I won't do the latter, as his right hand was literarily glued around my waist, supporting me, while I was holding the handrail.

When we stop, I let out a breath of relief that we actually made it. I feel Vittorio leaning closer to my ear.

"Are you ready?" he whispers. I feel the hair at the back of my neck rising up as his hot breath brushes my skin.

"Yes, go on." I smile.

I feel his hands at the back of my head as he slowly unties the cloth and moments later it's out of my sight. I blink a couple of times to adjust my eyes to the sunlight filling the room. I see Gianluca holding one hanger in each hand. When my eyes go lower and see what is hanged, I feel my breath caught short.

One hanger has a dress on it, like the ones you could see in the 1800s museums. The dark blue fabric is covering the whole dress, with some lighter shades on the sleeves. The waistband is decorated with golden details that are spreading down the skirt.

There are some delicate decoration patterns with golden thread around the cleavage. Around the hanger, there is also a ribbon for the hair, containing dark and light blue pieces of fabric, sewed together with golden thread.

On the hanger in Gianluca's other hand is a suit and trousers in the same dark blue colour as the dress, with golden décor at the end of the sleeves and over the edges of the suit and trousers. A white shirt is hidden behind the suit.

"Amazing!" Is all I manage to say turning to see Vittorio. His face is studying me, eyes not taken away from me since he unfolded the cloth from my eyes. A smile is gently placed on his lips.

"You didn't expect that."

"Not in my wildest dreams." I turn to take a look at the clothes again and back to him. There is a smouldering flame in his eyes that make them look like silver.

"Come on, we don't want to be late." He says getting my hand in his, entangling our fingers.

I had no idea how my things were already packed but I couldn't care at this moment. The thought that he entered into such a fuss to get costumes for the carnival had already overtaken me.


After about two and a half hours of driving, we arrive in Venice. The place was already packed, and people dressed in costumes with faces covered by the traditional Viennese masks are walking toward the square where the festivities would begin.

I was looking around with my mouth slightly open in awe trying to absorb the beauty of this place. The place is like it came straight out of a fairytale.

Vittorio stops the car in front of one of the buildings that from the people already been there, it must be close to the square. He got out and came around to open my door.

Taking his hand, I come out of the car, when two men step out of the building in front of us and go to the backseat where our things are in suitcases.

We enter the hotel's lobby, holding hands. The man at the reception spots us immediately and get out of the desk, he comes toward us.

"Welcome Mr and Mrs Conti!" he says in perfect Italian. "Your room is already prepared. Follow me."

We follow the man to the elevator. He puts the access card in a slot and presses the top floor button. When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, we found ourselves already inside the room, or better say apartment.

I feel mesmerized by the décor of the whole space as if it is stuck in time since then. With the costume on I'll feel like I'm leaving in that era, I thought.

"Shall I order something to eat?" I hear Vittorio's voice from behind me as he traps me in his arms, resting his hands over my tummy. "The festival will begin at night, so we have some time to rest."

I nod my head and give him a soft kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." I smile.


After a delicious meal, he had some rest, and now it was time to get ready for the festival. The sky was already dark outside, but you can hear the noises from the people celebrating already in the streets.

I managed to get into the dress and Vittorio gladly assisted me with the button it up, without missing the opportunity to tease me a bit more in the process. When this happens, I won't take my hands off you.

When I finally got everything together, I stepped out of the bedroom and saw him already dressed in his costume. That man is looking smoking-hot whatever he wears, I thought. I checked his hand; he was holding two white masks.

The elevator stops at the ground floor with a ding. The doors opened and instantly all the faces in the lobby were on us, as we strode holding each other's hands to the exit.

One girl that was sitting with her parents on one of the lobby's couches exclaimed 'Mama look! There's a princess!' as we walk in front of her and greet her.

The first thing I see is Gianluca with a small team waiting for us. He and Vittorio whispered something for a few moments before they spread around, mixing with the crowd.

"Let's go." He offers me his elbow and I circle my arm around.

The streets are already packed with people singing. There was not a single café or restaurant without being full of masked people, celebrating. As the time approaches, they all head to the square.

I feel a bit stressed being with so many people but having my arm around Vittorio's calms me and makes me feel secure. People are singing louder now and the whole atmosphere is breathtaking.

A wave of dressed elves passes through our spot singing and dancing, separating us. More people are passing through and I feel taken back as the people move to come forward. I lost Vittorio from sight. I call his name, but the noise is so loud I nearly couldn't hear my voice either.

All of a sudden, I feel hands grabbing me violently from behind and someone's placing a piece of cloth with a strange scent on it, in front of my mouth.

The sounds of the people celebrating become distant as everything turns black.


Hello everyone!

Who do you think might be behind Alex's abduction? I can't wait to hear your thoughts.

I'd like to thank you all for your support in this story. I know I said it many times already, but it really matters a lot!

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