Chapter 15

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Writer's note: This chapter contains a good amount of blood (I could have done better), so enjoy at your own responsibility!


I don't know how fast I was driving. I took a glance at Angelo and saw him holding a firm grip around the door arm. And Angelo doesn't get scared easily. I stop outside the main door, picking up dust on my way here. As I get out of the car, I spot Bianca running from the fields.

"I was getting food to Paulo when he called me. What happened? She asks, full of concern.

We both get in and run up the stairs and stop abruptly at Gianluca who was standing outside her door.

"She's been locked up in here for almost an hour now. She has some bruises, but she'll be fine." He tells us before we get to ask him.

Bianca goes closer to the door and knocks gently.

"Alex dear, it's me, Bianca. Please open the door. I want to check if you're alright."

No answer. Only the sound of running water is all we hear. I was going crazy and I won't rest until I see her with my own eyes and make sure she was alright.

"Alex I'm going in," I shout and Gianluca takes a defensive step back. I start banging the door throwing myself on it until it finally breaks. I rush in and take a look around, with a heart-hammering frenzy in my ribcage. She's not here. Then I hear it. Sobs coming from the bathroom. I walk in there opening slowly the door.

I feel I've been stabbed in the heart at the sight of her. She's standing above the sink, both hands placed on each side of it and her head is bent down looking at the reddish liquid of water and blood in the sink. A lot of blood and her clothes are covered in it.

"Alex, what happened?" I ask softly as I walk closer with slow steps. I open my arms offering myself to her. The moment I touch her, she collapses in my arms, her sobs are getting louder.

"Everything is going to be alright. I'm here now." I whisper to her ear. I feel my shirt getting wet as tears run like waterfalls from her eyes.

"I... I killed him," she murmurs between her sobs.

I place my fingers under her chin, lifting her face up to look at me. Her eyes which were once shining like dark pearls, now seem to be empty and swollen. Bruises start appearing around her neck and upper arms. I slowly let her go of my arms and grab a towel. I put it under the hot running water and start cleaning the blood from her skin with gentle moves.

She responds positively to my touch; I could hear her breath relaxing, gradually returning to normal. However, she stands here, like a lifeless doll, looking at the void. When I finish, I take her by the hand and lead her to sit on the bed.

"Bianca, please help her clean up and get her some clean clothes," I turn to her and leave the room.

Gianluca is right behind me as I walk to my room office.

"Debrief," I order as I sit behind the desk, and loosen my tie.

"They were three of them. New. We don't know their faces or for whom they're working but I suspect Juliano. They came in and took out some of our men. Giuseppe is at the hospital but he's out of danger. Stefano managed to kill the one, I knocked out the other one. The third was dead when I got in. He was stabbed to death by Alex, I never thought that she was capable of such a thing. By the way, I have the survivor down in the cellar."

She's strong.

"Six times! All in the chest area and at the end she cut out his throat. I literary found her in a pool of blood." He continues, his voice hiding a hint of excitement or surprise. Truth is none of us could expect her to do something like that. It's just... not her.

I stand up, take my suit jacket off and lift my sleeves. "Let's make our guest talk."

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