Chapter 6

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As soon as I set foot out of the airport, I see Alberto with half a dozen of my men waiting. We get inside the cars and head for the estate. It doesn't take long until we pass the tall iron gates at the main entrance. I look to the left, where vineyards expanse as far as the eye can see. The thought of myself as a kid resurfaced in my mind, taking strolls through the vineyards with my best friends, being carefree. Now there was no time to waste. I had a purpose, and I was totally focused on that, well almost.

During the flight I allowed myself to close my eyes for a few minutes and immediately her image appeared in front of me. Her dark eyes looked through my soul and her lush lips formed a smile that made her irresistible. I opened my eyes and found Angelo and Gianluca strange looking at me. I straighten my posture, get the laptop in front of me, and continue on with my work.

We arrive at the manor's entrance, and I see Bianca, the head housekeeper with her husband Paolo and their children standing outside to welcome us.

"Benvenuto signore." They all say in unison greeting me with their best smiles.

I grew up with Bianca and Paolo when their parents were working in the vineyards. Although I was a couple of years older than them, we were playing together as kids and now they remain some of my most trusted people. Bianca is in charge of the house while I'm abroad and Paolo is responsible for the production of the wines.

I respond with a smile and move to the inside of the house, Bianca and Paolo follow me inside while their kids go into the fields to play.

"Where's my father?" I turn to Bianca.

"Up in his office as usual." She responds. "It's nice to have you back Vittorio. How long will you stay?"

"I'm only for the weekend, but soon I'll be back for longer and I'll bring a guest with me, so I want you to have ready the guest room."

"A woman? Finally, a new face in the family. And probably pretty." Paolo said winking. Bianca pushed her elbow to his ribs.

"Why don't you like my face anymore?" Bianca told him and there was a hint of jealousy in her tone.

"I'm joking bella. I mean, she must be really important to bring her up here. You never brought anyone before."

"You're rushing conclusions, Paolo" I reply sternly. "We'll catch up later." I turn to them and walk up the stairs leading to the private area of the house. I reach outside my father's office and taking a deep breath I knock on the door.

"Enter." The loud voice of my father echoed from inside. I open the door and find him sitting behind his mahogany desk, reading through some papers in front of him. He pinned his eyes on me and slowly takes off his glasses.

"Are you here to explain yourself I presume." His voice rumbled.

"I don't have to explain anything."

"You don't? Then why did you order that man to be decapitated? Do you know what your careless moves have cost us? That was a man of Juliano's. He came at the winery, and I had to cover your ass. If you keep up like this, I'll have to take drastic measures."

I feel the blood boiling inside me. My hands clench, forming two fists under the desk.

"I won't repeat myself. I don't care whose man was, no one messes with my cargo. And if Juliano dares to threaten my business I'll do it again and this time would be his head. So, father, before you run to apologise to this pathetic excuse of a man Juliano is, you should know what exactly happened."

I stand up and turn to leave his room.

"You're becoming soft. Remember your place." I turn to him before I open the door and leave his office.

My father is the big boss in Italy having the respect of all families. But in the last year or so, has started becoming soft. He passed me the control of the family operations but in order to gain the ultimate control of the mafia, I must further prove myself and also keep good relations with the rest of the families. But Juliano is the worst. He was always competitive with me and as the election approaches, he's driving me crazy interfering with my businesses. He's taken out many of the other families' candidates, but I won't allow such an attitude towards me.

I walk down the stairs and head to the kitchen. The smell of freshly grounded coffee caresses my nostrils. I enter the kitchen and find Bianca, Paolo and Gianluca with a cup of hot coffee in front of each of them.

"You'll join us?" Gianluca said, dragging the chair next to him. "You were pretty loud up there" he motioned to my father's office as I sit down.

"He's softened. Grazie." I reply and I take the cup of coffee Bianca served me. I take a sip and let the hot liquid go down my throat enjoying its warmth. I stay silent for a minute looking at the people around me. These people are my inner circle. Their loyalty was unquestionable, and I was lucky to have such people around me.

"I think someone has turned him against you," Bianca whispered. I motion her to continue while all lean forward. "After your mother was lost, he began losing his mind gradually. He's not in a position to make sound decisions although has respect from all of us. Maybe it's my imagination, but I saw Juliano coming often lately. And Gianluca told us what happened at the port, so I think he prejudice him towards you to gain control at the elections, and your father's selection has more gravity. Why does your father apologise to him when it's his fault for trying to sabotage your business?"

"Bianca has a point," Gianluca adds. "The other families are whispering that signore Fabio's judgement is not as it used to be, but Juliano is the only one who did not say a word about your father."

"And he thought that I'll not find it out? Or that because I'm away I let him rampage? This snake has to be taken out now." I say coldly. "I will leave tomorrow, and I'll be back in around a month tops. I want you to be my eyes and ears in the house and the winery. And I hope he doesn't dare do anything until I get back."

After we have our coffee, I walk with Paolo down to the winery to check how things are going. When I finish there, the sun had already set. The sky has a blue-black colour and stars begin to appear as the sky becomes darker. When we get back to the house, Bianca is waiting for us in the kitchen. The smell of homemade food took me like a fish hood from the nose.

"Right on time!" Bianca smiled as he puts food on the plates.

"I'll go get some wine," Paolo smiles walking out of the kitchen to the cellar.

We remembered our childhood throughout the dinner. It was a moment that I could relax, I needed this for a long time. When we finished our dinner, I bid them good night and went up to my bedroom. My dreams were once more occupied by a pair of those familiar dark eyes, looking at me with passion hidden inside them.

I spend Sunday lookingthrough various reports and preparing offers for potential clients. When thesun began to set, I go down to the kitchen where everyone had gathered, exceptmy father, to bid them goodbye. I was feeling rage for Juliano and for what hewas planning against me, but most of all I feel anger about my father'sbehaviour. Throughout the flight, I try to shovel down my feelings for them andconcentrate on doing profitable contracts that will increase my trust in theother families and give me ultimate control on election day. But most of all Imust concentrate not to lose my shit when the door of my office opens in the morning,and she'll walk in.

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