Chapter 7

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The alarm clock on my phone starts ringing, I don't want to get up yet. But the moment my mind has that milli-second of clarity, I remember what day it is, and I jolt out of bed, throwing the quilt away.

Is not just any other Monday, it's THE MONDAY when I get to my new job. I run to the bathroom and start preparing for the big day. Hurrying back to the closet, I pick an A-line, short sleeve, royal blue dress that hits just on the knee level, black peep toe heels and the same colour bag. After I apply light makeup on my face and my all-time favourite red lipstick, I get my coat and rush out of the apartment.

My stomach feels like a tied knot the moment I sit in the car and start the engine. I take a deep breath and release the handbrake. Throughout the drive, I tried to boost myself saying that everything is going to be fine. This is a moment I've been dreaming of since I sent that application.

I arrive a lot sooner than I've planned but that's better in order to look a bit around the building. I was so nervous the last time I came here that I didn't notice anything out or in. I get into the car park I used the other time and there're some spots with signs with the company's logo on them. I leave it there and once I get out of the car; I spot security personnel coming toward me.

"Excuse me, but these spots are for the company's employees opposite. I'm afraid you'll have to move your car."

"It's alright Bob, she's a new one." A tall man appears from two cars further, walking toward us. He wears a dark grey suit with a burgundy tie and black shoes, while he's holding a black briefcase in his left hand. His blue eyes are standing out from the whole outfit.

"Sorry, dear." The security tells me his face is covered with embarrassment. "Have a nice day!"

"Thank you." I almost whisper and start following the man in the grey suit a few steps further from me.

"Thanks for that," I walk faster to reach his pace.

"You're welcome." He smiles. "I'm Tom by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Alexandra."

We enter the building and there is a man with a tablet at hand motioning to Tom. "I'd like to show you around, but I have to go. See you!" he winks at me and walks toward the man with the tablet. I head to the reception and the lady leads me to an elevator behind her desk. When we walk inside, she takes a card out of her pocket and inserts it in a slot just below the number panel.

"This is the only elevator that leads to Mr Conti's office. You will be provided with an access card within the day."

The elevator slows down as we reach our destination, and the door opens to reveal a small space with a couple of chairs and a coffee table on one side and a dark brown wooden door on the other side. The receptionist walks in first and knocks on the door. A voice is heard from the other side of the door, and she opens it just so her head fits in. She murmurs something which I don't understand and then she opens the door fully and motions me to enter.

The room has an amazing view outside and for a second, I felt slightly dizzy. We must be on the top floor but what number it might be? I thought. The rest of the walls are covered by large bookshelves, making the whole place look like a library. I glance around the books and wonder how many of them he has actually read when a soft cough brings me back to reality. At the far end of the room, there is a dark brown desk and behind it stands Vittorio, looking at me intently.

"Welcome miss Ravenwood." His deep voice rumbles. He extends his hand as I hesitantly approach, and I take it. His grip is firm, his eyes never leaving mine.

Dangerous NumbersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang