Chapter 14

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It's almost a week since I got that letter signed by Dante. How dares this piece of shit threaten me? The moment I opened it I felt the blood boiling in my veins. I ordered Alberto to run a check again on Alexandra's background and when confirmed they're related, I blurred. I tossed everything from my desk and went straight to the winery to demand some explanations. Instead, I've hurt her, and I hate myself for that.

For a second, I thought she betrayed me, but I wasn't thinking rationally. If she had, I'd have noticed. She was a terrible liar and that makes her adorable to me. Like the time she saw me with Mia kissing. With the look that gave her, Mia should wish to be stabbed. She tried to hide it from me, but it was impossible. That was true jealousy, and I found it so difficult to keep away the smile on my face. Has she started feeling something for me?

I was reassured that she had nothing to do with this when I asked her if she knows Dante works for Juliano, and then she lost the ground under her feet. She was pale white - like paper - I managed to grab her just before she collapses. She had no idea. The panic in her eyes the moment she woke up, I could feel it was for her mother, being alone with Dante.

The good thing is that she was doing better now. She got back to work and was feeling more relaxed, however, I could see the unease in her dark eyes from time to time. She was afraid for her mother. As we were sitting in my office - now her office too - she was absorbed in a pile of reports and other documents placed on her desk. I lift my head from the laptop to look at her, leaving a soft cough to get her attention. No reaction.

"Why didn't you go to visit your mother in Greece?" I ask. She jolts her head up to face me in an instant. I could see her eyes seemed wet under. She was getting more emotional about that matter.

"I want to go but she doesn't let me. We talked countless times about it and she gets too emotional so I stopped bringing up the subject, but it pains me a lot. So far, I was grateful for Dante being there with her, but now I'm scared." She speaks looking down at her desk. She was silently crying, there was a crack in her voice.

I get up and walk towards her. I sit on the desk next to her and take her right hand in mine while I place my other hand on top of hers, holding it gently. It was cold, so I rub my hands with hers a bit to warm it up. She turns to look at me and I see that her beautiful obsidian eyes now look swollen from crying. My heart breaks upon seeing her like this.

"I was considering if you'd like to help you on the matter. I have some connections there that owe me some favours, I can send someone keeping an eye on her and let Dante away from this." Her face softened a bit, there was a glimpse of hope but soon everything went dark again.

"What if he recognizes the people you'll send?"

"He won't. I promise."

She looks at me with gratitude and I feel warmth spreading inside me. "Thank you" she whispers.


The next morning after I get a shower and put on my favourite navy-blue suit, I walk down the stairs in a hurry. I enter the kitchen and find Bianca making breakfast. Gianluca and Paulo have already eaten, and Alexandra was sitting on the side, with a mug of hot coffee in her hands. Her dress matched perfectly with my suit and her red lipstick is standing out in the whole outfit. For a moment I got absorbed by thinking of those lips.

"Where we're heading boss?" Gianluca's voice cuts me off my thoughts.

"To the airport. We'll discuss the details on the way." I reply getting a cup of coffee Bianca just passed me. "Tomorrow midday I'll be back," I say turning to Alexandra. She nods at me as thank you and I give her a smile.

"Maybe you can drop me at the restaurant on your way to the airport?" she asks and Gianluca snorts mocking her. I give him a look and he immediately changes his posture.

"Of course your majesty." He puffs. "I'll get the chariot ready." He adds bowing his head deeply causing her and Bianca to burst into laughs. Her smile echoes like music in my ears, I had seen her laugh like that for a long time, since our lunch in London - when I said what happened on a business trip of mine to Norway - to break the tension. They seemed to be getting along with Gianluca and that was nice to know that she's trusting us. Of course, I've warned him that if he dares to think otherwise for her, I'll blow his brains out.

"Fine. But be in the car in five minutes. I have a tight schedule." I say sternly.

She helps Bianca to put the plates and cups on the sink, but Bianca pushes her aside. "Go get ready! You heard him!" She shouts. With that, she exits the kitchen running upstairs. I turn to Bianca and find her looking at me with a warm smile on her face.

I give her a questioning look and she giggles. "She changes you, for the better of course." She adds. "I think she'd like her."

"I think so too." I sigh. Moments later she enters the kitchen, and we get inside the car where Gianluca is waiting for us.


Everything went as planned, I found a connection of mine and pushed for some favours for old times' sake. I arranged for private nurses and some discreet security for Alex's mother so Dante can step away from it. Of course, first thing was to examine any options to be transferred to Italy so Alex will be close to her, but her health was weak and making so would put her at risk.

Also, they would provide me information 24/7 so Alex will rest assured that knows what's happening. And yes, after our moment in the winery I asked if I could call her by a shorter version of her name and she agreed to call her Alex. Small steps I remind myself.

Throughout the flight, I couldn't stop thinking about her. She looked rather stressed lately so I decided to get her out to chill first thing when I come back. It was also time for our date since we had almost a month to go, and the media were hungry for more.

I check the calendar; her birthday is in four days and from our previous conversations she had told me she loves opera. Until the plane lands, I have booked the perfect date. I feel a small tug in my heart upon that thought, we were not actually married and yet this day will be full of romance. I need to make sure about her feelings for me. I sit back for a moment and the words of Bianca sounded on replay in my head.

I never got into all this stuff for any other woman in my life. I didn't care where to go, the only thing they all wanted was me, my money and being on the cover of gossip magazines. With her is different. I could feel it. I've never pursued what the women's feelings for me were and now, I'm feeling like a schoolboy that wonders if his intended has feelings for him.

The moment the plane lands I hear my phone buzzing non-stop. A dozen missed calls, all from Gianluca, and a message. Something's wrong.

Attack at the restaurant. She's ok. I take her to the estate.

I storm out of the planeand see Angelo inside the car waiting. "I'll drive" I order, and he jumps fromthe driver's seat.


So, things are getting interesting don't you think?

I will upload one more chapter today, however it's a bit smaller that usual.

What do you think might have happened?


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