Chapter 27

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A couple of hours have passed since our conversation in my room. After that, we decided it's for best to inform all interested parties in case something happens. So, we came down to the kitchen. Bianca was startled when she saw us walking in. She had seen Vittorio before coming in like a tornado passing the house, but when her eyes fell on our holding hands, a smile spread along her face.

We take our places to the kitchen island. At that moment, Gianluca with Paulo enter the kitchen, their faces looking hypnotized. Then it hit me. The smell of the food that Bianca is cooking, is something else. The strange sound coming from my stomach was to inform me that I was hungry. I was so focused on what happened earlier that I didn't pay attention at all.

I turn to look at Vittorio, who was still holding my hand under the island, his eyes pinned on me. He motions to me and I nod in response. This thumb makes small circles on the outside of my hand.

"Guys we want to tell you about something. Something important." Vittorio speaks but soon Bianca turns to him, pointing at his side with a wooden spoon at hand.

"A-a-a no," she says moving the spoon left and right. "First we eat, and then you can tell us anything you want." continues turning back to the kitchen stove.

"You need help with anything?" I ask.

"Um..." she says looking around. "You can make the salad if you want. I have all the stuff there, on the counter." she beams with a smile.

Soon, the table is set, and our plates are filled with a mouth-watering piece of lasagna. Paolo brought the wine from the special room next to the kitchen and poured some into our glasses. I can say I wasn't in the mood to eat at first but after I tasted the first bite I couldn't stop. During our dinner, we talked about random things, like Paolo's discovering a bird's nest on the west side of one of the fields. But I can see Vittorio's face, looking unsettled as he will not be put at ease until we inform the others.

When we finished eating, I help Bianca clean the table and wash the dishes. She was literary pushing me to go out, but I insisted. After everything is settled, we go towards the TV room, where Vittorio, Paolo and Gianluca are already sitting. I could hear Vittorio's voice whispering something to them, but I couldn't hear it well. When we enter the room, they suddenly stop, turning to look at us.

Bianca takes her place next to Paolo and I sit next to Vittorio. As I sit down, he reaches out to get my hand and I do the same, landing my hand in his. It was amazing how fast we coordinate and his move made my heart tug in my chest. He looks for my support on this which I gladly give him.

"So, what is the matter?" Gianluca said.

"Dimitri Vokov is here." Vittorio said with a stern look in his eyes. I could feel my hand gently squeezed under his hold.

Gianluca straightens up so quick upon hearing that name that I thought his spine would break. Bianca and Paolo turn to look at each other, their faces darkened.

"Alex saw him today. He came to the city restaurant for lunch." He continued. "You are well aware of the history of him and me, Alex knows as well so you can speak freely."

I see Bianca's eyes sparkle and I realise that she's ready to burst into tears. "That monster is back?" she says with a trembling voice. Paolo places his hand on her back, rubbing it softly in an attempt to calm her down.

"We don't know what his business is here, but we need to take precautionary measures," Vittorio says with a determined tone in his voice. "Gianluca, you will be the shadow of Alex. Take men you trust the most and form a team. You will accompany Alex at all times. I will be fine with Alberto. Also, increase the security around the estate. Paolo, you're in charge. Anything suspicious you report to me immediately. Bianca, you too."

I see each one nod upon the call of their name as Vittorio shares responsibilities. Seeing him in command, makes him look hot, more than he already is. I try to shake away that feeling and focus on the situation at hand.

When the meeting is over, everyone takes their leave until I and Vittorio are left in the room. I had no objection, no questions. I knew he was doing the right thing.

"Sorry for this dear, but Dimitri's presence in here makes me think that maybe he'll attempt to take you as revenge for the past. I cannot let that happen." He says looking down at me with concern in his grey eyes.

"I know," I say rubbing softly his back. I'm surprised though with how calm my voice is, especially when he says that Vokov might take me as well as his sister.

"There is something else I want to discuss with you." He says approaching closer to me. He reaches his hand to take a strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear. His touch gives me goosebumps and I feel my ears getting warmer. He looks at me intently, like he's searching for something in my gaze.

He takes a step back and kneels in front of me. He then takes my hand, where the ring of his mother was on, and holds it in both his hands. His eyes look so bright, like silver shining orbs.

"Would you do me the honour of officially marrying me?"

Dangerous Numbersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن