Chapter 1 - Asgard

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The realm of Asgard is indeed beautiful, but not to you. At Least, not anymore. You loved Asgard for as long as you could remember. The realm was breath-taking, but the ruler of it did not do justice to its beauty. The Allfather, Odin, was a man you hated with every ounce of your heart.

With every step you took towards the rainbow bridge, it took you a lot not to scream with rage and set fire to the entire place. The reason why you were here is due to the requests of the Allmother, Queen Frigga.

She was one of the very few good things about Asgard. She was your mothers best friend, almost like your second mother. Frigga took care of you like you were her own. After the passing of your mother, she paid frequent visits to Vanaheim to make sure you were alright. She was a fairly decent woman.

Half of her hair was in a round plaited bun, the remaining flowing to the waist like the waters of Goðafoss. Her gown was a simple yellow dress with pieces of cloth overlapping around her bodice and the hem of her neckline. Net laced her hips to the bottom of the garment. She was stunning in the light of her kingdom.

The reason why you were in Asgard was that the Allmother wanted to host a disciplinary for all the nine realms;  excluding jötunheim, for it had no heir, and Midgard, as it did not have a particular heir nor a kingdom to lead it. She convinced the Odin to allow her to conduct this so she could oversee the royal training and etiquette of the children destined to lead their realms.

"Ah! Y/n!" She greeted in excitement," You are the last person to get here!" You smiled. "Well, Queen Frigga, Anything you are concerned with is bound to be delightful," You spoke as she led you to your horse.

The two stallions in front of you were magnificent. Frigga's horse was a tall, white-winged creature, having an old but strong build and long slender legs. Its long thick neck possessed a silver mane, thick and short.

The one beside it was night black, having a more youthful build, and its calves more defined. Its dark mane ran down its thick neck, framing the elongated face it held. "Allmother, it's beautiful!"

"Her name is Svartur, I thought she'd suit you," The queen gave you a hearty laugh before continuing, "Come on now, We mustn't keep the others waiting!"

Meanwhile, at the palace, all the children of royalty sat with grace and poise. The boys were fighting about who was the strongest while princesses bothered around irritated, waiting for the last child to arrive.

"Here we are!" Frigga led you into the hall where everyone sat. The young rulers stood up to greet you with respect, all bowing their heads as you bowed in return. "Hello everyone! This is Princess Y/n of Vanaheim, Vanir goddess of war and Jötunn goddess of fertility."

Jötunn. A simple word. One word could develop hatred for another being, who's doing it was not. You were mixed-bred. Half Vanir and half Jötunn.

Your mother, Queen Skadi was of Jötunheim, second wife to King Njord, Vanir. You were their third child, after Freyr. Freya had passed from birth defects, leaving Freyr to grow up without a sibling.

The first queen, Nerthus, had died in war, when Freyr was still quite young, leaving no other heirs to Vanaheim if he fought in war. When Njord met Skadi, was when Freyr was almost old enough to rule, and he was the one who suggested Njord to remarry.

And so you were begotten. Half Jötunn, Half Vanir. Freyr was quite pleased to have you as a sister. You were a mere child who's innocence fueled his need to protect his kingdom.

He fought alongside his father in the great Aesir-Vanir war. It deemed the vanir equal to asgardians. Freyr was seriously wounded during the battle and succumbed to his injuries. You were barely 300 back then. Now you were the only remaining heir of Vanaheim.

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